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Fundamentals of Biostatistics
Author(s) :Khan and Khanum, Shiba Khan

ISBN : 9788190944103
Name : Fundamentals of Biostatistics
Price : Currency 999.99
Edition : Sixth Revised Edition
Author/s : Khan and Khanum, Shiba Khan
Type : Text Book
Pages : 902
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : Ukaaz /BSP books
Binding : Paperback
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About the book:

“Biostatistics” has assumed enormous importance in different disciplines of agricultural, biological, pharmaceutical and medical sciences. No doubt, biostatistical methods today had become indispensable tools in all the phases of human endeavour. This book in an attempt to furnish a simple, nonmathematical text for those who desire to equip themselves with a knowledge of the elementary statistical methods used in modern times. This book has been designed to make the subject more interesting, more comprehensive, and easier to grasp. The subject is presented in a modulated and graded manner, beginning with a fundamental core of introductive material, which develops gradually from the simple to the complex and intricate, thus making the student’s progress smooth, easy and pleasant.

 The lucidity of style and simplicity of expression have been our twin objectives to remove the awe which is usually associated with most biostatistics textbooks. We trust that our readers will find the presentation and exposition of the subject quite lucid. A conscious effort has been made to keep the treatment simple and non-technical. It is expected that even those who have not studied biostatistics earlier will find the subject more interesting, and will be able to acquire an ability to use the basic concepts in their practical and professional career. The authors have attempted to give as many illustrations as possible to make the concepts and principles clear to the readers. Statistical methods cannot be mastered without practice, and therefore, a large number of review exercises have been given at the end of each chapter, to enable the readers to review their grasp of the subject and to serve as an aid for a deeper understanding of the subject.

 This text claims to be a complete, thorough and authentic exposition of the topics dealt with. The subject matter has been interwoven for keeping up the interest and curiosity of the readers. The authors have tried their best to glean the latest and to present it in as lucid and logical a manner as possible. The diagrams provided in this book are specially designed for clarity and simplicity. A author index of the books we have referred to, has been included for further reference. The subject index has been provided at the end of the book, so as to enable the readers to learn the meaning used in the text. In addition to this, a large number of statistical tables are also included for immediate reference.

We believe that this revised fifth edition of the book will cater to the immediate needs of all students, researchers and the faculty members of the subject and also serve as a good 


1.Introduction 2.Data Collection and Treatment 3.Sampling Techniques 4.Diagrammatic Representation of Data 5.Graphic Representation of Data 6.Measures of Central Tendency 7.Measures o Dispersion 8.Measures of Skewness, Moments and Kurtosis 9.Basic Concepts of Probability 10.Theoretical Probabilrry Distributions 11.Correlation Analysis 12.Regression Analysis 13.Chi-Squaretest 14.Estimation Theory and Hypothesis Testing 15.Test of Significance: Large Samples 16.Test of Significance: Small Samples 17.Analysis of Variance 18.Nonparametrictests 19.Statistical Quality Control 20.Design of Experiments 
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