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Marketing Logistics
Author(s) :Martin Christopher, Helen Peck

ISBN : 9781138386495
Name : Marketing Logistics
Price : Currency 795.00
Edition : Second Edition
Author/s : Martin Christopher, Helen Peck
Type : Text Book
Pages : 168
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2018
Publisher : Taylor & Francis/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the book:

This second edition of Marketing Logistics builds on the unique focus established in the first edition - the crucial interface between the ways in which value is created through marketing processes and the way in which it is delivered through the supply chain. 

This interface is being recognized by business organizations as a key priority for management, and both practitioners and academics alike have placed a greater emphasis on the need to view the supply chain as a whole as the vehicle by which competitive advantage is achieved. 

The book:
* Builds on the huge success of the first edition 
* Incorporates a new customer service element, in line with current thinking 
* Contains a full range of industry examples offering practical insight

As well as drawing upon current research and the experience of firms worldwide, Marketing Logistics uses numerous 'mini-cases' and vignettes to illustrate the key messages in each chapter and bring the theory to life. 

This book is an invaluable resource for managers who seek to understand more about the way in which the supply chain should be managed to improve their organization's competitive position, as well as students undertaking degree-level courses in marketing, logistics and supply chain management.


1.    The new market place

2.    Building customer relationships

3.    Creating customer value

4.    Time-based competition

5.    Demand-driven supply chains
6.    Managing marketing logistics

7. Serving the global customer

About the Authors:

Martin Christopher is Professor of Marketing and Logistics and Director of the Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Cranfield School of Management, UK.

Helen Peck is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Cranfield School of Management, UK.
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