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Solid Phase Extraction: Principles, Techniques, and Applications
Author(s) :Nigel J. K. Simpson

ISBN : 9781138367654
Name : Solid Phase Extraction: Principles, Techniques, and Applications
Price : Currency 4495.00
Author/s : Nigel J. K. Simpson
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 526
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2018
Publisher : CRC Press BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the book:

This comprehensive reference/text demonstrate the relationship of the basic theory of solid extraction (SPE) to chromatography-illustrating how SPE techniques significantly contribute to the preparation of samples for a wide variety of analytical techniques, including gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and high-performance liquid chromatographic analyses.


Providing step-by-step details on the applications of SPE to environmental matrices, broad-spectrum drug screening, veterinary drug abuse, pharmaceutical drug development biological samples, and high-throughput screening and written by world renowned experts in the field, Solid-Phase Extraction thoroughly covers digital chromatography, the basic elements of SPE, capacity and selectivity, and the mechanism of adsorption and desorption… nonpolar, polar and ion-exchange extraction mechanisms, as well as complexation, chelation, and covalent retention … actual vs. ideal performance and predictive SPE, as well as expert systems … using and eliminating secondary interactions and mixed-mode SPE … preparing and handling biological fluids particulates, solid and air samples by SPE … creating affinity sorbents and the properties and uses of affinity SPE … automation approaches, techniques for automated method development, off-line solid extraction, and on-line SPE … complementary use of SPE and supercritical fluid extraction … and more.


Containing helpful reference charts, tables of solvent properties, selectivities, molecular acid/base properties, and more, Solid-Phase Extraction is an essential, on-the-job reference for analytical, environmental, synthetic organic, and medicinal chemists and biochemists, and toxicologists; and an ideal textbook for upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and continuing-education courses in sample separation or preparation, including quantitative analysis, separation science, analytical chemistry, biochemical analysis, and organic synthesis and purification.       


1.      Introduction to Solid-Phase Extraction

2.      SPE Sorbents and Formats

3.      The Sample Matrix and Its Influence on Method Development

4.      Handling Large Volume Samples: Applications of SPE to Environmental Matrices

5.      SPE Technology - Principles and Practical Consequences

6.      Theory Meets Practice

7.      Secondary Interactions and Mixed-mode Extraction

8.      Solid-Phase Extraction for Broad-Spectrum Drug Screening in Toxicological Analysis

9.      The Application of SPE to Veterinary Drug Abuse

10.   Solid Phase Extraction of Biological Samples

11.   Solid Phase Extraction Mediated by Covalent Bonding: Applications of Immobilized Phenylboronic Acid

12.   Immuno-Affinity Extraction

13.   Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion (MSPD)

14.   Automation of Solid Phase Extraction

15.   Integration of SPE with the Analytical Technique, Part I - Liquid Chromatography

16.   Integration of SPE with the Analytical Technique, Part II

Concluding Thoughts - New Directions for SPE

About the Editor:

Nigel J. K. Simpson is the technical services Manager with Varian, Inc., Harbor city, California, where he supervises technical support as well as research and development and product marketing, and develops and field tests SPE products and their introduction to the marketplace. The author, coauthor, and presenter of over 200 technical papers and seminars on SPE technology, he is a member of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Simpson received the B. A. degree (1986) in general chemistry and the D.phil. degree (1990) in physical chemistry from Oxford University, England.    
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