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Air pollution: Prevention and Control Technologies
Author(s) :Anjaneyulu Yerramilli

ISBN : 9789387593053
Name : Air pollution: Prevention and Control Technologies
Price : Currency 2495.00
Edition : Second Edition
Author/s : Anjaneyulu Yerramilli
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 826
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2020
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

This book provides a strong interdisciplinary approach in presenting topics on Air Pollution by integrating chemistry, physics, meteorology, engineering, health effects, policy, and regulatory aspects. It addresses the requirements of undergraduate/graduate students in Science/Engineering opting Air Pollution courses at a basic level by dealing exhaustively the fundamental aspects of air pollution with suitable examples and worked out problems.

Meteorological aspects of dispersion of air pollutants, modeling techniques for air quality assessment, prediction, health risks, up-to-date information on different air quality management approaches and regulatory preventive measures adopted by various countries are presented with supporting data. Present Global & National air pollution scenarios and latest developments in Preventive Measures for air pollution control, emissions inventory; Comparison with emission standards, assessment of emission flows and emission factors are presented with critical explanation. 

To provide technological perspectives for undergraduate /graduate Engineering students, the scientific and engineering aspects of air pollution monitoring, assessment predictive modelling, air pollution control technologies, air pollution from automobiles noise pollution and methodologies for frequently used in Air Permit Applications-Screening Techniques are discussed with applications which will expose the students to various software programs used in this area. 

The specialty of this book is that it extensively deals on various aspects of air pollution, providing up-to-date information on global air pollution trends, preventive measures adopted by different countries, latest modeling techniques for air quality assessment/prediction/management and state of art air pollution control technologies with suitable examples, illustrations and worked out problems. A Stronger systems approach is adopted in presenting the nature of air pollutants, their dispersion under different meteorological conditions, associated human health Risks, measures, models, and control technologies of air pollution at scale – starting at the individual/niche level and expanding to local /regional /global scale. 

The present book serves the needs of undergraduate/graduate students in Science and Engineering pursuing Air Pollution Course both as a basic introductory or as an advanced Core course and also as a resource material for researchers/practicing professionals in this important area.


1.      Air Pollution: Sources and Effects

2.      Indoor Air Pollution

3.      Air PollutionEpisodesPreventive MeasuresAir Quality Management Approaches, Emission Inventories,Present Global and National Scenarios

4.      Air Pollution and Global Climatic Changes

5.      Meteorological aspects of Dispersion of Air Pollutants

6.      Air Pollution Sampling and Analysis

7.      Air Pollution Control: General Source Correction Methods and Particulate Control Technologies

8.      Air Pollution Control Technologies for Gaseous Pollutants

9.      Air Pollution Control Technologies for Oxides of Sulphur

10.   Air Pollution Control Technologies for Oxides of Nitrogen

11.   Control Technologies for Volatile Organics, Hydrocarbons and Hydrogen Sulphide

12.   Air Pollution by Automobiles and its Control Technologies

13.   Noise Pollution

14. Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Air Environment

About the Author:

Anjaneyulu Yerramilli, Ph.D, FRSC (London) is presently working as Professor & Director Center for Advanced Energy Studies at K. L. University, A.P, India.  Earlier (2006-2014) he worked as Professor in Chemistry/Environment and Director Trent Lott Geospatial &Visualization Research Center at Jackson State University (JSU) Jackson, MS, USA, and Professor & Head Center for Environment (1990-2002) and Director Institute of Science and Technologies (IST) (2002-2005) at JNTU Hyderabad, India. During his stay at JSU, USA he worked as PI for programs Department of Defense-sponsored program on High Performance Computation for Development of Novel nano Materials, Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling of Gulf Coast, sponsored by NOAA, and for a NSF-sponsored program on Collaborative Research CI-TEAM Demonstration Project entitled Water HUB for Cyber Enabled Training, Education, and Research in Water Resources. He has also published a number of papers on application gold nano particles, Molecular Imprinted Polymers (MIP), simulation of mesoscale coastal circulation of Gulf Coast for air pollution dispersion by integrating WRF, HYSPLIT, SMOKE and CMAQ models.  ( 38 students received Ph.D degrees under his supervision and he published more than 150 research papers in peer reviewed journals which have more than 1000 citations and presented at various international conferences. He has authored a number of books on Energy Resources, Utilization and Technologies (2012-BS Publications/CRC Press) Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies (2011, BS Publications/CRC Press), Introduction to Environmental Science (2005, BS Publications), Hazardous Waste Management and Air Pollution and Control Technologies (2002, Allied Publishers).

He is a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (London), Member of American Chemical Society and Indian Science Congress.
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