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Product Design and Testing of Polymeric Materials
Author(s) :Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff

ISBN : 9780367109752
Name : Product Design and Testing of Polymeric Materials
Price : Currency 4995.00
Author/s : Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff
Type : Text Book
Pages : 575
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2019
Publisher : CRC Press BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book:

Product Design and Testing of Polymeric Materials integrates polymer science principles with detailed experimental programs-helpingengineers create optimal products.

Thoroughly investigating both physical and processing properties of polymeric substance, this valuable guide presents the philosophy of product development management . . . includes test methods for base property and end-use performance . . . pairs viscometric and small-scale testing with molecular properties for processing advantages . . . examines quality control from the laboratory to the marketplace . . . applies the mechanics of experimental design to product optimization problems . . . covers the mathematics needed for proper regression of experimental data . . . and much more.  

Product Design and Testing of Polymeric Materials is a complete reference- defining numerous plastics and engineering terms and supplying important data on elastomers and plastics-and is an essential resource for polymer, Plastics, and chemical engineers and scientists, materials scientists, and graduate-level students in these disciplines. 



1. Principles and Methodology of Product Testing

2. Characterization of Molecular Weight and Molecular Weight Distribution

3. Thermal Analysis of Polymers

4. Measurement of Stress-Strain Properties

5. Processability Testing

6. Quality in Product Development

7. Basic Definitions in Probability and Statistics

8. Application of Quality Control Techniques

9. Design of Experiments and Application to Product Design

About the Author:

Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff is head of product development, Exxon Chemical Co., Linden New Jersey. He is the author or coauthor of over forty books on engineering science, including Applied Fluid Flow Measurement: Fundamentals and Technology, Process Level Instrumentation and Control, Flow Measurement for Engineers and Scientists, Biomass: Applications, Technology, and Production, Polymer Mixing and Extrusion Technology, and the multivolume sets Handbook of Polymer Science and Technology, Handbook of Ceramics and Composites, and the forthcoming Handbook of Metallurgical Materials and Technology. He is also the editor of the journal Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering (all titles. Marcel Dekker, Inc.). Dr. Cheremisinoff received the B. S.., M.S., and Ph.D. Degrees in Chemical engineering from Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam, New York.
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