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National Conference of Agricultural Librarians & Users Community – 2018
Author(s) :G. Rathinasabapathy, Hans Raj, K. Veeranjaneyulu, V. K. Bharti

ISBN : 9789388305358
Name : National Conference of Agricultural Librarians & Users Community – 2018
Price : Currency 895.00
Author/s : G. Rathinasabapathy, Hans Raj
Type : Text Book
Pages : 419
Year of Publication : 2018
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

The theme of the National Conference of Agricultural Librarians & Users Community (NCALUC-2018) is carefully preferred as “Re-Engineering of Agricultural Libraries and Emerging Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities” because of its importance and relevance to the present global scenario. The editors had to reject some papers which did not fit into the theme and/or ‘not up-to-the-mark’ based on the comments of the

peer reviewers, which is inevitable. The papers received from the width and breadth of the country are grouped under the following themes:


1. Re-engineering Agricultural Libraries

2. Emerging Library Technologies

3. Open Access Resources in Agriculture

4. Measuring Research Output

5. User Studies in LIS


We earnestly hope that this National Conference will create awareness and interest among LIS professionals and policy makers about emerging technologies in agricultural libraries and enable them to upgrade their libraries keeping pace with the technological advancements.


We record our sincere thanks to Dr. Rameshwar Singh, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna, Bihar, who readily agreed to host the National Conference and spared his precious time to write the Foreword for this volume in a short notice.


The Editors emphasise that the views expressed in the papers are that of the respective authors only. AALDI and Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna (Bihar) or the Editors are in no way responsible for the thought content of the articles.


Finally, the Editors are thankful to all those who have contributed, supported and encouraged directly or indirectly to make this national event a great success. We hope this volume would be useful to the students, researchers, practicing information professionals, agricultural library staff, policy makers and faculty in Library and Information Science.


1. Digital Initiatives for Agricultural Research and Education under ICAR in India

2. Re-Engineering of Agricultural Libraries and Emerging Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities

3. Agricultural Digital Libraries (ADL) and their Future

4. Human Resource Development and Training in Library and Information

5. Use of Social Networking in Veterinary Science

6. Role of Library in Personality and Skill Development of Users

7. Role of Social Networking for the Dissemination of information in Agricultural Libraries

8. Reaching to the Unreached Farmers through Indigenous Traditional Knowledge Management and E-Publishing

9. A Perspective Study of Cloud Computing in Agricultural Library Services

10. Application of RFID Technology for upgrading Libraries of NARES System

11. BASU Library: Veterinary Knowledge Resource Centre in Bihar

12. Agricultural Knowledge Management through ICT in India

13. Re-engineering of Library and Knowledge Centre – Navsari Agricultural University

14. Role of Emerging Technologies in the Changing Scenario of Agricultural Libraries

15. RFID Technology

16. Mobile Technology and its Applications in Library Services: Featuring Chandigarh University

17. Future Academic and Research Libraries: Trends, Technologies and Challenges

18. Role of Library Professionals in the age of Web Technology

19. Digital Libraries and their Future

20. Radio Frequency Identification Technology with special Reference to CSKHP Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, University Library, Palampur

21. Digital Knowledge Initiatives in Hyderabad, Karnataka: Infrastructure, Automation, E-Content and Access

22. Application of Cloud Technology in Digital Library

23. Social Media for Effective Library Services

24. Social Media: Relevance in Libraries and Applications

25. Library and Information Networks in India: An Overview

26. Role of ICT in Library Management

27. Identification of Library Location through ARCGIS Software: Geographical Information System

28. Library Security Systems: RFID, Electronic Surveillance, EMSS

29. Digital Libraries and their Future

30. Library Networking and LIS Professionals in Modern Era

31. Understanding the Importance of Library Automation and e-Library

32. Web-based Learning Platform: MOOCS

33. Open Source Software: Its usefulness for Libraries

34. Participatory Management: A New Paradigm in Academic Libraries

35. Importance of Library in Educational Institutes

36. Publication Productivity of Scientists of ICAR Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research: A Scientometrics Study

37. Mapping of “Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science”.

38. Usage of CeRA Consortium among the Users of Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (CCSHAU) Library, Hisar: A Case Study

39. Comparative Study of the use of CeRA (Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture) by the Post Graduate Students of CSKHP Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Palampur and Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan.

40. Information Literacy: From Lab to Land

41. Use of Electronic Information Sources by the Research Scholars of

Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur: A Study

42. Library Services in the Internet Era

43. Human Resource Development in Indian Libraries and Information Centres

44. Utilization of Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) by the Scientists of National Rice Research Institute (NRRI): A Case Study

45. Changing Trends in Information Literacy: An Overview

46. Information Seeking Behaviour pattern among the Agricultural Students of Indira Gandhi 

About the Editors: 

Dr. G. Rathinasabapathy, Ph.D., is serving as the University Librarian of Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai. He has about 25 years of professional experience and contributed 125 research publications, 210 popular articles and authored 7 books. Participated about 35 International/National level programmes and obtained 4 projects worth about Rs. 400 lakhs for the development of LIS facilities at TANUVAS. He is the Chief Editor of Indian Journal of Agricultural Library and Information Services (IJALIS) and Editorial Board Member of 6 Peer Reviewed Journals. He is the President of Tamil Nadu Library Association, Secretary of MALIBNET and life member of 20 professional bodies. Served as Chairman and Member of about 65 Committees and delivered 25 invited talks and organized many National level professional events, visited many leading libraries in USA. Honoured with many awards including ‘Award for Best Paper Presentation’ by the Indian Society for Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology, “Certificate of Appreciation” by ICAR for his contribution to 'KrishiKosh” Institutional Repository and 'Bharat Gaurav Award' by a NGO, New Delhi. 

Dr. Hans Raj, Ph.D., is presently the Advisor (ICT), Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna. Prior to this assignment, he worked as Information System Officer and Head ICAR Library Services, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. He has around 36 years of experience in various capacities in the field of Library and Information Science at National Documentation Centre of National Institutes of Health and Family Welfare (1982 to 1992) and Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi (1993 to 2016), and also worked as consultant at ICAR in the Directorate of Knowledge Management of Agriculture, ICAR New Delhi. He has published 85 Papers in National and International Journals and Conference proceedings, edited Three Books, Two Journals, Two Abstracting Journals, Two Newsletters. 18 electronic Publications, 6 Bibliographies, 4 Manuals and 52 Directories. He has also associated with five NATP/NAIP library and information Science projects under National Agricultural Innovative Project (NAIP) under aegis of World Bank. 

Dr. K. Veeranjaneyulu, M.Com.,M.L.I.S.,BGL,Ph.D.,PGDLAN, is currently the University Librarian & Professor of Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad. He has more than two and half decades of professional experience in the field of library and information service and a Resource person to various Academic Staff Colleges in the country, and delivered many Guest Lectures in Universities of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Haryana. He has participated in more than 130 National Conferences, Workshops and Seminars, and written and edited more than 35 books and contributed around 165 articles. He is a member of Boards of Studies, Academic Councils and Faculty Boards of many Universities in India, and a Ph.D. Adjudicator and External Examiner for several Universities. Under his guidance, 10 candidates were awarded M. Phil. Degrees and 3 Ph.D. Currently he is guiding 6 Ph.D. research scholars. He is a life member of various learned societies. He visited many foreign countries including the USA as part of his academic and research assignments. He has been awarded USSHLE-IJILS Param Bhusan B.B.Shukla Millennium Award for excellence in 2007. He received “Certificate of Appreciation” from the Director General, ICAR and National Director, NAIP, IARI, New Delhi for his contributions. He also received Appreciation Certificate from ICAR for his laudable contribution for the development of Krishikosh repository during the year 2016. Presently he is the president of AALDI. 

Dr. V. K. Bharti, Ph.D., a well known personality from the field of Information and Communication Management is currently working as Chief Production Officer, Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture, ICAR. He did Ph.D. in the area of Communication Management. Dr.Bharti has authored 10 books and more than 100 research and popular articles. He has been conferred with many National Awards and honours, including the prestigious Dr.Rajendra Prasad Puraskar from ICAR and Shiksha Puraskar from MHRD. He has served as Chief Editor and Advisor of Scientific Journal and Newsletter. He has 35 years of teaching and publication production management experience in different Govt. organisations.
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