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A Comprehensive Book on Experimental Pharmaceutics
Author(s) :Mousumi kar, Sujit Pillai

ISBN : 9789388305402
Name : A Comprehensive Book on Experimental Pharmaceutics
Price : Currency 375.00
Author/s : Mousumi kar, Sujit Pillai
Type : Text Book
Pages : 256
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2025
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

"A Comprehensive Book on Experimental Pharmaceutics" is your ultimate guide to mastering the art of formulating dosage forms and conducting experiments with ease. This book is a comprehensive resource that aims to provide you with the state-of-the-art information on the formulation, excipients, analysis, and operating procedures in the simplest way possible. With this book, you will be able to understand the principles of experiments along with procedures for carrying them out.

The contents of this book cover a wide range of topics, including UV-TLC analysis of drugs and dosage forms, release kinetics graphs and calculations, optimization techniques, standard operating procedures, IR of commonly used drugs, polymer and surfactants detail, and systems of weights and measures. You will also find information about often used drugs and the exclusive feature of incorporation of experiments related to formulation along with the estimation of pharmacokinetic properties of drugs based on biological samples.



Experiment – 1: Hydrotropy Studies

Experiment – 2: Drug Excipient Incompatibility Studies

Experiment – 3: Solid Dispersions

Experiment – 4: Film Coated Tablets

Experiment – 5: Effect of Surfactant on In Vitro Drug Release

Experiment – 6: Floating Tablet

Experiment – 7: Comparison of Antacid Activity

Experiment – 8: Evaluation of Packaging Material

Experiment – 9: Estimation of Pharmacokinetic Parameters

Experiment – 10: Estimation of Pharmacokinetic Parameters by Urinary Excretion Method

Experiment – 11: Estimation of Protein Binding

Experiment – 12: Bioequivalence Study of Paracetamol

Experiment – 13: Gel Formulation

Experiment – 14: Microspheres by Solvent Evaporation Method

Experiment – 15: Alginate Beads

Experiment – 16: Transdermal Delivery System (Reservoir Type)

Experiment – 17: Transdermal Delivery System (Matrix Type)

Experiment – 18: Muco-adhesive Tablets

Experiment – 19: Liposomes

Experiment – 20: Niosomes

Experiment – 21: Solid Lipid Nanoparticles

Experiment – 22: Multiple Emulsions

Experiment – 23: Fast Dissolving Tablets

Experiment – 24: Ocuserts

Experiment – 25: Chewable Tablets

Experiment – 26: Nano Suspensions

Experiment – 27: Bilayer Tablets

Experiment – 28: Film Forming Polymeric Solutions

Experiment – 29: Bioadhesive Gel

Experiment – 30: Dissolution Media Selection

Experiment – 31: In Vitro Rate of Absorption Determination

Experiment – 32: In Vitro In Vivo Correlation

Experiment – 33: Drug Release Kinetics

Experiment – 34: Preformulation Studies

Experiment – 35: Sterile Ophthalmic Preparations

Experiment – 36: pH Partition Hypothesis

Experiment – 37: Enteric Tablets

Experiment – 38: Calibration and Validation of Laboratory Equipment

Experiment – 39: Spectroscopic Estimation of Drugs

Experiment – 40: Thin Layer Chromatography Estimation of Drugs

Experiment – 41: FTIR of Common Drugs

Experiment – 42: General Polymers Used in Pharmaceuticals

Experiment – 43: Common surfactants with HLB Values and Use

Experiment 44: Typical Release Kinetic Equations and Plots

Experiment – 45: General Optimisation Techniques

Experiment – 46: Different Systems of Weights and Measures

Experiment – 47: Drugs and their General Properties

Experiment – 48: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

About the Authors:

Mousumi Kar, M.Pharm, PhD, MBA, is an academician with a researchers outlook and presently working as Professor in Pharmaceutics at IPS Academy College of Pharmacy, Indore. She has to her credit many national and international publications in various journals of repute. A reviewer of many international online and print journals, she is life member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India. Her biography was included in Marquies whos who edition. She has one candidate awarded with PhD under her guidance, and two doctoral candidates who are researching on novel drug delivery systems for different drugs. Her area of expertise is development of drug delivery systems for synthetic and herbal drugs.


Sujit Pillai, M.Pharm, PhD did his masters from Manipal University and doctorate from MLS University, Udaipur. He is currently serving as Professor and Principal in GRY Institute of Pharmacy, Borawan, Madhya Pradesh. He has to his credit many research publications in national and international journals. He is receipt of research grant from DST and MPCoST. His research activity is focused on analytical method development. He has guided a number of post graduate students and presently guiding 04 students towards their doctoral degree along with a doctoral awardee.  He holds a thorough understanding of analytical techniques for estimation.
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