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Scholarly Communication, Open-access Publishing and Ethics
Editor(s) :Y. Srinivasa Rao

ISBN : 9789387593923
Name : Scholarly Communication, Open-access Publishing and Ethics
Price : Currency 995.00
Editor/s : Y. Srinivasa Rao
Type : Text Book
Pages : 254
Year of Publication : 2018
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

Academic education, research and development intensify the nation socially and fiscally competitive. Institutions have greater role to enhance their intellectual infrastructure facilitations to help in the process of building an institutional academic and research culture through means of scholarly communication and publication. This booklet Scholarly Communication, Open-access Publishing and Ethics” (SCOPE-2018) covers various papers of peer-reviewed and presented them in the International Conference on SCOPE-2018 held at SPA Vijayawada during 25 - 26 October 2018. Indeed, these papers are divided into four important subject areas viz. academic research and development; scholarly communication; open access publishing, copyright and ethics; and academic library, preservation facilitations.


Part one, mainly focused on academic and research related areas. These areas are new pedagogy for teaching, curriculum development, a case study of current internship practice, research methodology from philosophical standpoint, information, intellectual infrastructure development and social engineering and human security. Part two of the volume, having papers of scholarly communication and its cycle process, publications trend especially in biochemistry research in India, collaborative authorship, scientometric, bibliometric citation and analysis. Part three of the volume covered an open-access (OA) publishing, copyright and ethics. In which, there are papers mainly discussed about OA publications, tools, polices, copyright and corrupt practices including predatory journal publications. Part four, focused about academic libraries and preservation facilitations. It consisted of papers having topics of academic libraries and their digital asset management.



Academic Education, Research and Development

1. Searching New Pedagogy: Teaching History of Architecture in Architecture Institutes

2. Analysis of Current Internship Practice and its Relevance with Curriculum: A Case Study of Architecture School

3. A Classical Discourse of Research Methodology from Philosophical Standpoint: Need to Know to Claim Knowledge

4. Orbit of Information in [mis] Information Era

5. Intellectual Infrastructure Development in the Era of Information Society

6. Social Engineering: Questioning the Human Security?


Scholarly Communication

7. Scholarly Communication Cycle: SWOT Analysis

8. Authorship and Collaboration pattern in the field of Social Sciences at Jawaharlal Nehru University: A study

9. Publication Trend of Biochemistry Research in India: A Scientometric Study

10. Scientometric Analysis with Special Reference to the Publications Indexed in “SCOPUS” on “rTMS” during 2008 to 2017

11. A Bibliometric Study of Citations in Ph.D Theses on Mechanical Engineering


Open-Access Publishing, Copyright and Ethics

12. Quantitative Analysis of Open Access Publications of CSIR-IICT: A Case Study

13. Awareness of Open Access Scholarly Publications among Science Faculty members in selected Universities of Karnataka State

14. Open Source Tools for Information Visualization: A Comparative Study

15. Impact of OA Policies on Scholarly Publishing in the Technical University Libraries of Odisha

16. Copyright for E-learning: A Recent Fair dealing issues in Today’s Learning System

17. Is research in India without Glitches? Evidences of some corrupt practices

18. How Predatory Publishers are corrupting the Open Access Model?


Academic Library and Preservation Facilitations

19. Design and Implementation of Digital Asset Management System in Academic Libraries

20. College Librarians’ Perception of Preservation of Library Documents in the Aided Arts and Science Colleges Affiliated to the Bharathidasan University

21. Analytical Study on Preservation and Conservation Issues and Techniques in selected Technical Universities of Odisha

22. Preparation, Proceed and Review of preservation of Digital Library

23. User Awareness on Innovative Library Facilities at Kakatiya University: A Survey

About the Editor:

Dr. Y. Srinivasa Rao, doctorate, gold medalist and merit scholar in the field of Library and Information Science (LISc). He has twenty years of experience in the profession of Librarianship. At present, he is working as Deputy Librarian at School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), Vijayawada, (Institute of National Importance, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India) since 2013. Prior to this, he worked at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela, Odisha over a decade and at Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi in different capacities. His areas of interests include academic library system, digital resources and services, intellectual property rights, open access etc. 

He has published more than two dozens of papers in various national and international journals (mainly Library Management of Emerald, Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Service of Elsevier Science, Journal of Library Philosophy and Practice, Computer in Libraries, DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology etc.), conferences and edited volumes of LISc books. He has reviewed for international journals like Electronic Library of Emerald and International Journal of Library and Information Science ( He has organized many workshops, seminars and conferences at local, regional, national and international level at both NIT Rourkela and SPA Vijayawada. For instances, International  Conference on “Scholarly Communication, Open-access Publishing and Ethics” (SCOPE-2018) during October 25-26, 2018, Regional (South-IV) Workshop on “Institutional Digital Repository” (IDR-2017) in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur under National Digital Library (NDL) Project during April 21-22, 2017 and National Conference on Scholarly Communication and Intellectual Property Rights (SCIPR) – 2014 during 04-05 August 2014. He attended various international and national conferences and workshops in the field of LISc.  He was a resource person for PGDLAN Course at Sambalpur University, Sambalpur. Odisha. He interviewed with Monday Morning in couple of times on library developments on February 16, 2011 and on BPCL: Rendezvous with Y.S. Rao on February 13, 2012 < /views/views/ interview/1283-bpcl-rendezvous-with-ysrao>. Apart from his prime responsibilities, he has been assigned various academic and administrative responsibilities at SPA Vijayawada including Dy. In-Charge for CSAB-2014, 2017 and 2018 and Official for CCMT-2014 online counselling. He is a Local Coordinator – Global Initiative for Academic Networks for the year 2017 and 2018 and Nodal Officer - National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) for the year 2017 and 2018. He was also involved in various other committees such as institute publication, recruitment, academic inspection, convocation for 2015 and 2016, lease negotiating 2016, returning officer for students elections – 2017 etc.


At present, Dr. Rao, is a Member of Board of Studies of LISc, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam till 2020 and an expert member for the NIT Andhra Pradesh – Library Advisory Committee for the year 2017-18. He was a Member of International Librarians Network (ILN) for the year 2016, an Advisory Committee Member of INDEST-AICTE Consortium for NITs in the Eastern region for the year 2010-13 and Sectional Committee Member for University and College Libraries. <> for Indian Library Association (ILA) in the year 2013-2016.n Library Association (ILA).
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