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Essentials of Herbal Options
Author(s) :Tapan Kumar Chatterjee

ISBN : 9789388305372
Name : Essentials of Herbal Options
Price : Currency 1295.00
Author/s : Tapan Kumar Chatterjee
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 354
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

“ESSENTIALS OF HERBAL OPTIONS” is a must-have for anyone interested in herbal medicine. This comprehensive compilation of medicinal plants provides up-to-date scientific information on their uses as well as their chemical constituents. Each chapter offers an introduction outlining the structures and functions of the responsible organs for each disease, the currently used allopathic treatment, and the Herbal options and alternatives. From Anticancer to Anti-Ulcer, this book covers all the major pharmacological activities of herbal options. It also includes a glossary of botanic names, chemical constituents isolated from medicinal plants, and color photographs of some of the plants. For pharmacist, pharmacologist, medicinal chemist, toxicologist, pharmacognosist, botanist, or herbal/ayurvedic manufacturer, “ESSENTIALS OF HERBAL OPTIONS” is an invaluable resource. Expand your knowledge of herbal medicine and transform your practice with this essential resource.


1.Medicinal Plants with Anticancer Properties

2.Medicinal Plants with Antidiabetic Properties

3.Medicinal Plants with Antifertility Properties

4.Medicinal Plants with Hepato-Protective Properties

5.Medicinal Plants with Anti-Inflammatory Properties

6.Medicinal Plants with Anti-Microbial Properties

7. Medicinal Plants with Anti-Ulcer Properties

8.Herb-Drug Interactions

9.Different Analysis Techniques to Identify the Phytochemicals of Herbs

About the Author:

T. K Chatterjee, the former UGC (Govt. of India ) Research Scientist and retired Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, has been dynamically engaged in Pharmacological and Toxicological research and teaching for the past three decades. Presently, he is holding the post Dean at JIS University, Kolkata.

            He is the author of more than 140 research papers in journals of National and International repute and has written multiple books entitled “Handbook on Laboratory Mice and Rats” (1993), “Herbal Options” (1st edition1996, 2nd edition 1997, 3rd edition 1999), “Chemotherapy of Tropical Parasitic Infection” (1st edition1995, 2nd 1999), “Skin Diseases and Treatment” (1st edition 1999), “A handbook of Pharmacology” (2011). “Pharmacological Properties of Coccania grandis”(2012) “Medicinal Plant Abrus precatorious L.” (2012), “Anti-Diabetic Plant Steospermum  Suaveolens (Roxb.) DC” (2012), “Rodents for Pharmacological Experiments” (2013), “Antioxidant and Anti-Diabetic  Activities of Polyalthia longifolia Leaves” (2013), “Databook for Clinical Pharmacology” (2014) and “Quintessence of Pharmacovigilance” (2017) have attracted widespread appreciation from various organizations of Pharmaceutical & Medical communities. Presentation of his research at international conferences in Sweden, Germany, Belgium, U.K , Brazil and USA are well documented. He has mentored more than twenty three Ph.D and forty five M.Pharm dissertation thesis of the students. He is also a free-lance Bio-Medical writer with renowed expertise. He has furthermore received multiple prestigious awards like Ram Mohan Puraskar, Aadi Samman, NIMA Award, Nagarjun Puraskar for his contributions towards Pharmaceuticals Science and Research.

         With his discovery of a new antibiotic MT81(patent No 156916), his research work was regarded in high esteem towards embracing in depth and expertise on the relevant topics of his research.
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