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Lexicon of Pharmacy: A Concise up-to-date reference
Author(s) :Neelesh Malviya, Sapna Malviya

ISBN : 9789387593350
Name : Lexicon of Pharmacy: A Concise up-to-date reference
Price : Currency 695.00
Author/s : Neelesh Malviya, Sapna Malviya
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 586
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

The "Lexicon of Pharmacy: A Concise up-to-date reference" is the ultimate resource for anyone studying or working in the pharmaceutical field. Combining dictionaries and a comprehensive lexicon, this book offers a complete understanding of the fundamental vocabulary used in pharmacy education. 

Inside, you will find a vast collection of terms, abbreviations, and detailed explanations that are crucial for faster comprehension of pharmaceutical sciences. Whether you are a graduate student or undergoing postgraduate training, this lexicon is the perfect and cost-effective tool for obtaining quick and conclusive information. 

With its user-friendly format and wealth of knowledge, the "Lexicon of Pharmacy" is an essential companion for both learners and professionals in the pharmacy profession. You can rely on this book to navigate the complexities of the field and enhance your expertise. Make sure to have this invaluable resource in your pharmaceutical and medical library today.



Lexicon of Pharmacy

Appendix 1: Abbreviations

Appendix 2: Laws Related to Pharmaceutical Fields

Appendix 3: Apothecary & Metric and Other Conversion Equivalents

About the Author:

Neelesh Malviya, M. Pharm. (Hons.), MBA (HR), Ph.D. (Pharm. Sci.), is presently designated as Professor in Smriti College of Pharmaceutical Education, Indore (M.P.). He obtained his entire pharmaceutical education B. Pharm., M. Pharm. and Ph. D. from B. R. Nahata College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur (M.P.).

            A huge acknowledgment to his research attitude, in year 2016 DST-NSTMIS granted a research project with the objective to strengthen Academia-Industry collaboration in field of pharmaceutical sciences.

            His areas of research include Phytochemistry and Herbal Drug development. He published more than 40 papers in various reputed peer-reviewed National and International journals. He has authored two textbook on Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy, Co-authored two books and two chapters in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences. He writes articles and columns in news papers on pharmacy education. He has guided ten postgraduate and 20 graduates' research projects to date. Presently he is supervising six Ph.D. and six postgraduate research projects. He is an Honorary Life member of IPA, APTI and Society of Ethnopharmacology.


Sapna Malviya M. Pharm. (Hons.), MBA (HR), Ph.D. (Pharm. Sci.) obtained Bachelor and Master degree in Pharmacy from B.R. Nahata College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur and Doctorate degree from SGVU Rajasthan. Presently she is Head of Department at Modern Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Indore. She has guided ten master's level project and thirty graduates to date.

         Her major areas of research interest include Herbal drug standardization, ethnopharmacology and herbal formulation development. She has contributed 30 papers in national and international peer reviewed journals. She has authored two textbook on Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy, Co-authored one book and two chapters in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Monograph on Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. She has special acumen in planning, organizing, directing, and executing events as she has coordinated various events of Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) and Association of Pharmaceuticals Teachers of India (APTI).
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