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Numerical Weather Prediction
Author(s) :D. Venkata Bhaskar Rao

ISBN : 9789387593961
Name : Numerical Weather Prediction
Price : Currency 1295.00
Author/s : D. Venkata Bhaskar Rao
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 266
Year of Publication : 2019
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) is the current state-of-art methodology to provide weather prediction at different spatial and time scales to serve user community.  The NWP uses a modeling system built up adopting the mathematical equations governing atmospheric motion, incorporating the physical processes through parameterization methods, solved applying numerical methods and carrying out large number-crunching calculations on high speed computers.  The NWP products have their application in agriculture, aviation, transport, tourism, sports, industry, health, energy and many other social sectors.  Several decision support systems of disaster management and risk assessment are dependent on meteorological information from NWP products. The purpose of this book is to present the basics of NWP in lucid form to those who seek an overview of the science of modern weather prediction.


About the Indian Meteorological Society

The Indian Meteorological Society (IMS), established in 1957, is a non-profit organization whose objectives are the advancement of meteorological and allied sciences, dissemination of the knowledge of such sciences both among the scientific workers and among the public, and their application to various constructive human activities. IMS has its headquarters in New Delhi, and it organizes national and international conferences, lectures and other events through its 30 local chapters. It awards prizes, fellowships, and honorary fellowships. IMS has recently embarked on a programme to publish a series of popular books that would demystify meteorology and its various components for common readers. This is the second book in this series.


1.    Advent of Numerical Weather Prediction

2.    Hierarchy of Atmospheric Models

3.    Numerical Methods

4.    Objective Analysis

5.    Parameterization of Physical Processes

6.    Weather Prediction - Lorenz Chaos Theory – Nonlinear Dynamics, Ensemble Prediction

7.    Current Status of NWP in India

About the Author:

Professor Dodla Venkata Bhaskar Rao started his career in meteorology in 1976, served the Department of Meteorology and Oceanography, Andhra University, India as Professor of Meteorology till superannuation in 2008. Later, he served the Jackson State University, USA as a Visiting Professor during 2009-2013 and as a Distinguished Professor and Director of the Centre for Atmospheric Science, K L University, India during 2014-2017.     He initiated teaching and research programs in NWP at Andhra University in 1977 and made significant research contributions on tropical cyclone modelling. With his strong passion for teaching and research, he encouraged and mentored numerous students of M.Sc., M.Tech., and Ph.D. programs inducing them to a career in meteorology and allied disciplines.
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