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Handbook for Designing Cement Plants
Author(s) :S. P. Deolalkar

ISBN : 9788178002644
Name : Handbook for Designing Cement Plants
Price : Currency 10000.00
Author/s : S. P. Deolalkar
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 1295
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

There are many excellent books dealing with processes of manufacture of cement and books about the machinery used to make cement. A few also deal with the operation of cement plants. There are hardly any books that deal with the design of the cement plant itself. This book caters to the need. It is, as its name suggests, truly a ‘handbook’ for designing cement plants.

     Entrepreneurs and their Executives at all levels, Cement Technologists, Consultants, Engineers and Draughtsmen all over are engaged in the design and setting up of new cement plants, or expanding  or upgrading existing ones. It is a very wide compass and requires basic knowledge of  a number of disciplines that are employed in setting it up. Besides knowing  the various steps needed to be taken it is also necessary to have an overall perspective of the entire process of creation of a cement plant; this book does just that.

            The contents of the book are divided in seven sections to guide one step by step through the various stages involved in setting up a cement plant.


  1. Section 1 : Basics Section
  2. Section 2 : Machinery Used in Making Cement Section
  3. Section 3 :  Technoeconomic Feasibility Studies
  4. Section 4 :  Civil Design and Construction
  5. Section 5 :  Electricals and Instrumentation
  6. Section 6 :  Layouts and Detailed Engineering
  7. Section 7 :  Selecting and Ordering Machinery
  8. Section 8 : Reference Section (rs) (CD Form)
  9. Section 9 : Sources

About the Authors

Mr. Deolalkar is a first class graduate in Mech. and Elect. Engineering. He is also a Graduate of the British Institute of Management.

     He joined The Associated Cement Companies Ltd., in1956 and has been associated with the cement industry ever since, a long innings of  over 50 years.

     He has first hand working experience in cement plants –in operation, in erection and in commissioning of new plants.

     Mr. Deolalkar later worked with  ACC-Vickers-Babcock Ltd., a subsidiary of ACC  engaged in manufacture of Babcock Boilers and in making Cement Machinery.

     Mr. Deolalkar has thus been associated with design and setting up new cement plants and expansions of existing ones for a quarter of a century- plants ranging in capacity from 300 tpd, to 3000 tpd. He has been witness to the great strides made by the cement industry in India.

     Since 1986, that is for the last 20 years Mr. Deolalkar has been working as a consultant- first as a Chief Executive  of Bhagwati Priya Consulting Engineers Ltd., and for the last fifteen years for Deolalkar Consultants a proprietary consultancy company in Hyderabad.

     During his career Mr. Deolalkar has handled almost all aspects of the design of cement plants. This book is an attempt to record for the future his far reaching expertise and highly valuable experience. He has specialized in developing general and departmental layouts for different types of machines used in modern cement plants.

     Mr. Deolalkar initiated work on standardizing ‘engineering’ so as to obtain consistent results by taking help of computers about thirty years back. He took first steps to put on computer process calculations, sizing of machinery and even machinery design. These have become commonplace now but were pioneering steps in the 1970s and 1980s when computers were nowhere near the state of development that they are today.

            Mr. Deolalkar was associated with a number of  Institutions related to Cement Industry at the National Level like Bureau of Indian Standards (earlier known as ISI), National Committee for Science and Technology and National Council for Cement and Building Materials. He was a member of the Research Advisory Committee of  the NCCBM and was also a Member of its Faculty. Mr.Deolalkar served as Secretary of the Cement Machinery Manufacturers’ Association in the early 1980s. He has written a number of papers in national and international publications on  cement.

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