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A Laboratory Manual of Physical Pharmaceutics
Author(s) :Sadhan Kumar Dutta, Kalyan Kumar Sen

ISBN : 9789387593824
Name : A Laboratory Manual of Physical Pharmaceutics
Price : Currency 225.00
Author/s : Sadhan Kumar Dutta, Kalyan Kumar Sen
Type : Text Book
Pages : 214
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

A Laboratory Manual of Physical Pharmaceutics is introduced to the B.Pharm students for easy understanding of the principles of physical pharmaceutics. The Experimental manual covers experiments to provide fundamental principles of physical pharmacy necessary to design physically and chemically stable dosage forms and ensure their therapeutic safety and efficacy. This manual is a unique in nature as it covers the two necessities of students: text on theoretical principles and its application including illustrative exercises in the form of practical.

     ·      This Book illustrates all the experiments included in various Universities syllabus of physical pharmacy.

     ·      It also provides an integrated understanding of theory and practical applications associated with physicochemical concepts in a very lucid language.

     ·      Reviews the physico-chemical concepts in the design of various dosage forms.

     ·      Provides several experiments related to physical chemical characteristics of any dosage forms.

     ·      Useful to teachers also.



Basic Rules and Requirements

1. Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Basic Rules of Laboratory

2. Basic Requirements of Microbiology Laboratory


3. Microscope

4. Autoclave

5. Incubator

6. Hot Air Oven

7. Laminar Air Flow

8. pH Meter

9. Spectrophotometer

10. Colony Counter

Preparation of Culture Media, Sterilization and Culture Methods

11. Preparation and Sterilization of Media

12. Aseptic Technique and Transfer of Microorganisms

13. Growth Promotion Test of the Medium

14. Preparation of Agar Slants, Stabs and Plates

15. Preservation of Microbial Cultures

Techniques for Isolation of Pure Culture from Mixed Culture

16. Streak Plate Method

17. Pour Plate Method

18. Spread Plate Technique

Staining Techniques of Microorganisms

19. Preparation of a Bacterial Smear

20. Staining

21. Simple Staining

22. Negative Staining

23. Gram Staining
24. Acid-Fast Staining

25. Staining of Fungus by Lactophenol Cotton Blue

Biochemical Tests for Identification of Bacteria

26. IMViC Tests

27. Indole Test

28. Methyl Red and Voges-Proskauer Test (MR-VP Test)

29. Citrate Test

30. Carbohydrate Fermentation Test

31. Starch Hydrolysis Test

32. Gelatin Hydrolysis Test

33. H2S Production Test

Bacterial Motility

34. Wet Mount Method

35. Hanging Drop Method

36. Soft Agar and Agar Deep Tube Methods

Microbial Assay of Antibiotics

37. Microbial Assay of Antibiotics

38. Turbidimetric or Tube Assay Method

Sterility Testing of Pharmaceuticals

39. Sterility Testing of Pharmaceuticals

Environmental Monitoring

40. Environmental Monitoring by Settling Plate Method

Bacterial Analysis of Water

41. Bacterial Examination of Water by Multiple Tube Fermentation Test

42. Bacteriological Examination of Water by Membrane Filtration Method

43. Analysis of Water for Total Bacterial Population by Standard Plate Count

Microbial Taxonomy

44. Fungi

45. Bacteria

About the Author:

Sadhan Kumar Dutta, M.Sc, PhD., F.I.C., started his career as a lecturer in Chemistry at Rajshahi Govt. College, Foujdarhat Cadet College, Sylhet Govt. College and also worked as lecturer in Biophysical Chemistry in the Department of Biochemistry of Dacca University. He had joined as a lecturer in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata and served the university for 35 years and finally retired as professor of Pharmacy. In between he also served M.S. University of Baroda as a Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology. He also served as Emeritus Professor at Gupta College of Technological Sciences, Asansol, Bengal School of Technology, Sugandha and Seemanta Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Orisa. He has authored over 60 research papers and still active as research guide. He has authored a well reputed book “Principles of Physical Chemistry and Biophysical Chemistry” for the students of physical chemistry, physical pharmaceutics and biochemistry. He is the recipient of many awards like 2000 outstanding people of 20th century' etc. 

Kalyan Kumar Sen is an M. Pharm and Ph.D from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. He has served 33 years in different fields of Pharmacy, including both industry and teaching. He has guided over 40 master's degree students and 2 PhD theses. He has published around 60 research papers in several well-renowned, peer reviewed journals and enjoyed attending conferences to present his findings. He has also penned 9 book chapters, which were published by National and International publishers. He along with Dr. Sabyasachi Maiti has edited one Internationally published book in pharmaceutical sciences, “Bio-Targets and Drug Delivery Approaches”. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of PharmaSciTech, an international publication of Trinity Trust. A life member of various professional bodies including APTI, ISTE and ISCA, he currently holds the post of Principal and Professor in Pharmaceutics at Gupta College of Technological Sciences, Asansol, West Bengal, India.
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