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Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach
Editor(s) :David G. Collings, Geoffrey T. Wood, Leslie T. Szamosi

ISBN : 9780367200749
Name : Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach
Price : Currency 695.00
Edition : Second Edition
Editor/s : David G. Collings, Geoffrey T. Wood
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 450
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2019
Publisher : Taylor & Francis / BS Publ
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Despite over three decades of debate around the nature of human resource management (HRM), its intellectual boundaries and its application in practice, the field continues to be dogged by a number of theoretical and practical limitations.

Written by an international team of respected scholars, this updated textbook adopts a critical perspective to examine the core management function of HRM in all its complexity – including its darker sides.

Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach opens with a critique of the very concept of HRM, tracing its development over time, and then systematically analyses the context of HRM, practice of HRM and international perspectives on HRM. New chapters commissioned for this second edition look at HRM and the issues of diversity, migration, global supply chains and economic crisis.

This textbook is essential reading for advanced and inquisitive students of HRM, and for HRM professionals looking to deepen their understanding of the complexities of their field.


1.    Human resource management: a critical approach



2.    HRM in changing organizational contexts

3.    Strategic HRM: a critical review

4.    HRM and organizational performance

5.    HRM: an ethical perspective

6.    HRM practies to diversity management: individualization, precariousness and precarity

7.    Organizational outsourcing and the implications for HRM

8.    Reconfiguration and regulation of supply chains and HRM in times of economic crisis

9.    Knowledge and organisational learning and its management through HR practices: a critical perspective

10. HRM in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)



11. Recruitment and selection

12. HR planning: institutions, strategy, tools and techniques

13. Performance management

14. Reward management

15. Human resource development

16. Industrial relations and human resource management



17. Human resource management in emerging markets

18. Comparative HRM: the debates and the evidence

19. International human resource management                                    

              HRM in crisis

About the Authors:

David G. Collings is Full Professor of Human Resource Management and Associate Dean for Research at Dublin City University Business School, Ireland.

Geoffrey T. Wood is Dean and Professor of International Business at Essex Business School, UK.

Leslie T. Szamosi is a Senior Lecturer and MBA Academic Director at the University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College, Greece.
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