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Failure Analysis Fundamentals and Applications in Mechanical Components
Author(s) :Jose Luis Otegui

ISBN : 9783030113278
Name : Failure Analysis Fundamentals and Applications in Mechanical Components
Price : Currency 1495.00
Author/s : Jose Luis Otegui
Type : Text Book
Pages : 334
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2019
Publisher : Springer / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

This book addresses the failures of structural elements, i.e. those components whose primary mission is to withstand mechanical loads. The book is intended as a self-contained source for those with different technical grades, engineers and scientists but also technicians in the field can benefit from its reading.


1.    Introduction

2.    Tools for Preliminary Analysis of a Mechanical Failure

3.    Tools for the Microscopic Analysis of a Mechanical Failure

4.    Mechanisms of Damage and Failure

5.    Damage Resistance Tests of Materials

6.    Modeling Tools Applied to the Analysis of Mechanical Failures

7.    Root Cause Analyses

8.    Damage and Failure Mechanisms in Machinery

9.    Failure Mitigation and Extension of Service Life

10.    Consequences of a Failure Analysis

About the Author:

Dr. José Luis Otegui, Mech. Eng, Ph.D. (U. Waterloo) is a Full Professor, at the Dept. Materials Engineering. University of Mar del Plata, Argentina, in the areas of Mechanics of Structural Materials, Pressure Vessels and Piping. Main research activities are within the Mechanics of Materials Division of INTEMA, Institute for Materials Science & Technology (UNMdP-CONICET). Dr. Otegui is experienced in the Direction of Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, has more than 100 published articles in scientific and technological Journals and has a well established reputation for consultancy. Consultancy work includes failure analysis, numerical modelling, fracture mechanics and experimental materials evaluation.
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