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Essentials of Pharmacy Management
Author(s) :Dennis H Tootelian, Albert I Wertheimar, Andrey Mikhailitchenko

ISBN : 9780857110183
Name : Essentials of Pharmacy Management
Price : Currency 3495.00
Edition : Second Edition
Author/s : Dennis H Tootelian, Albert I Wertheimar
Type : Text Book
Pages : 460
Year of Publication : 2012
Publisher : Pharmaceutical Press BSP Book
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Essentials of Pharmacy Management provides pharmacy students with an understanding of business processes used in community and Institutional (e.g., hospital) practice settings, how these processes impact care. Content includes:

·         Pharmacy Practice in Perspective

·         Planning and Risk Management

·         Accounting and Financial Management

·         Marketing Strategies

·         Organization and Staffing the Pharmacy

·         Pharmacy Operations Management

This text provides aspiring pharmacy managers with a foundation of how to manage in an environment that is focused on “the business of healthcare.” The text is presented in an easy-to-read format-with learning objectives, key terms, helpful summaries, discussion questions, and self-assessments.

Each section also features a set of case studies focusing on many issues, opportunities, and problems confronted by managers in community and inpatient pharmacies. These cases are designed to allow students to apply what they have learned in the chapters to business situations with context of various settings.



Section 1: Pharmacy Practice in Perspective
1. The Evolving Nature of Pharmacy Practice

2. The Role of Business in Pharmacy Practice
3. Going Into "Business” in Independent, Chain, and Hospital Pharmacy Settings


Section 2: Planning and Risk Management
4. Developing Business Plans and Policies
5. Risk and Insurance Management


Section 3: Accounting and Financial Management

6. Accounting and Financial Records
7. Use of Accounting and Financial Records


Section 4: Marketing Strategies
8. Prescription Product and Service Strategies
9. Pharmacy Location, Layout and Merchandising
10. Pricing Procedures and Credit Policies
11. Promotion and Personal Selling


Section 5: Organising and Staffing the Pharmacy
12. Organising and Staffing the Pharmacy
13. Employee Orientation, Training and Compensating
14. Personnel Relations


Section 6: Pharmacy Operations Management
15. Purchasing and Inventory Control
16. Operations Management
17. Measuring the Success of the Pharmacy

About the Authors:

Dennis H. Tootelian is Professor of marketing at the college of Business Administration at California State University, Sacramento, California.


Albert I. Wertheimer is Professor of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice at temple University School of Pharmacy, Philadelphia.


Andrey Mikhailitchenko is Associate Professor of Marketing in the College of Business Administration at California State University, Sacramento, California.     
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