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Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Author(s) :Steven B Kayne

ISBN : 9780853697633
Name : Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Price : Currency 3495.00
Edition : Second Edition
Author/s : Steven B Kayne
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 634
Year of Publication : 2009
Publisher : Pharmaceutical Press BSP Book
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Complementary and Alternative Medicine is a comprehensive introduction to the most commonly used complementary disciplines, covering theory, practical aspects, safety and current scientific thinking. The book is divided into four parts:

·         General aspects of complementary and alternative medicine

·         Therapies involving the use of medicines, with guidance as to how they may be integrated into practice

·         Traditional medicine

·         Other complementary therapies and diagnostic procedures.

·         This second edition has been updated and expanded. It has three important new chapters covering integrative medicine, pharmacovigilance and complementary and alternative medicine in the United States.

Written for healthcare professionals, students, pharmacists and patients interested in this discipline, this book provides an excellent guide to complementary and alternative medicine.



Part 1: Introduction to CAM

1. The Concepts of CAM

2. Integrative Medicine

3. Delivering CAM

4. CAM in the USA

5. The Evidence Base for CAM

6. Pharmacovigilance of Complementary Medicines


Part 2 Therapies Involving Use of Remedies

7. Homeopathy and Anthroposophy

8. Medical Herbalism

9. Aromatherapy

10. Flower Therapies


Part 3 Traditional Medicine

11. The Traditional Healthcare Environment

12. Traditional Chinese Medicine

13. Indian Ayurvedic Medicine


Part 4 Other Therapies and Diagnostic Techniques

14. Naturopathy

15. Diagnostic Techniques

16. Manual Therapies

17. Mind and Body Therapies

About the Author:

Dr. Steven B. Kayne practiced as a Community Pharmacist in Glasgow for more than 30 years before retiring from active practice in 1999. He is currently Honorary Consultant Pharmacist at Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital and Honorary Lecturer in CAM at the University of Strathclyde School of Pharmacy. Steven was a member of the UK Advisory Board on the Registration of Homeopathic Products from its formation in 1994 until he retired in 2008, and currently serves on two other UK Government Expert Advisory Bodies: the Herbal Medicines Advisory Committee and the Veterinary Products Committee. He has also acted as an advisor to the WHO Collaborating Centre for traditional Medicine and chaired the European Committee on Homeopathy Pharmacy sub-committee. Steven’s current interests are in patient communication and the application of CAM in sports care and veterinary medicines.

He has written numerous papers and journal articles and has presented as an invited speaker at conferences around the world on a variety of topics associated with complementary and alternative medicine. Steven is a member of the editorial advisory board of several journals and has authored, edited and contributed chapters to many books.
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