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Health Economics
Author(s) :Jordan Braverman

ISBN : 9780853698678
Name : Health Economics
Price : Currency 2495.00
Author/s : Jordan Braverman
Type : Text Book
Pages : 379
Year of Publication : 2010
Publisher : Pharmaceutical Press BSP Book
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Health Economics is an introductory discourse of health care in America today designed to acquaint students with a practical analysis of the prominent economic issues. It considers health care in terms of cost, affordability and historical development and assesses contributing factors to the economic health crisis, including medical technology, prescription drugs and hospital care. Addressing the magnitude of the economic crisis, as well as physician and nursing home care and managed care, coverage also includes:

·                    home and hospice care

·                    health care planning

·                    private health insurance

·                    medicaid and medicare

·                    health care fraud and abuse

·                    national health insurance.

The economics of each field are discussed in detail, with all their socio-economic and political ramifications both within and outside the health care system. This insightful and timely book will be an invaluable resource for students of any health care discipline, practicing health care physicians, economists, sociologists and health care researchers wishing to know more about the current health care crisis in the USA and what mechanisms exist to counter it.

Jordan Braverman is an author who served as Director of Health Policy Analysis at Georgetown University Health Policy Center and also Director of Health Policy at the American Pharmaceutical Association, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association and Blue Cross Association. 


1.    History of Health Care Financing in America

2.    The Costs of American Health Care

3.    The High Costs of Health Care: The Reasons Why

4.    Physician Care

5.    Prescription Drugs

6.    Hospital Care

7.    Medical Technology

8.    Nursing Home Care

9.    Home Care and Hospice Care

10. Health Care Planning

11. Private Health Insurance

12. Managed Care

13. Medicaid and Medicare

14. Health Care Fraud and Abuse

15. National Health Insurance

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