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Physical Pharmacy
Author(s) :Blaine Templar Smith

ISBN : 9780857111067
Name : Physical Pharmacy
Price : Currency 2995.00
Author/s : Blaine Templar Smith
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 186
Year of Publication : 2016
Publisher : Pharmaceutical Press BSP Book
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Remington Education: Physical Pharmacy provides a simple, concise view of the concepts and applications of physical pharmacy. It is laid out in an easy-to-understand structure, guiding students through each relevant component of physical pharmacy. 
Remington Education is a series of guides created specifically for pharmacy students to help them integrate the science of pharmacy into practice. By providing a summary of key information in the relevant subject area and including cases and/or questions and answers for self-assessment, they offer a practical way to check knowledge and track progress before, during, and after a course. 

Each chapter features:

  • Learning objectives
  • Key points boxes
  • Illustrations
  • Assessment questions
  • Further reading and references.



1.    Intermolecular interactions

2.    Pharmaceutical solvents

3.    Solubility and dissolution

4.    Colligative properties of solutions

5.    Interfacial phenomena

6.    Disperse systems – Colloids

      7.    Disperse systems - Coarse dispersions - Suspensions and emulsions

About the Author:

Blaine Templar Smith earned his bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and Pharmacy and a PhD in Pharmaceutica;l Sciences (with emphasis in Nuclear Pharmacy and Immunology) at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. smith is a Registered Pharmacists in both Oklahoma and Massachusetts, practicing in a very wide spectrum of settings, including hospital inpatient, long-term care centers, independent and chain retail Pharmacies, and Indian Health Service clinics and hospitals. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Oklahoma Genome Sequencing Center, Participating in the Human Genome Project. 

Dr. Smith has been a faculty member at the University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy, the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences-Worcester, a faculty member and chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Saint Joseph University School of Pharmacy and a visiting fellow at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. 

He has written, edited and published reference and textbooks related to the fields of medicine, pharmaceutics, physical pharmacy, nuclear pharmacy, immunology, molecular biology, diagnostic imaging and nursing. Additionally, he provides both written and online (live and asynchronous) continuing education, for health care professionals.
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