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Nutraceuticals: A Guide for healthcare professionals
Author(s) :Brian Lockwood

ISBN : 9780857112422
Name : Nutraceuticals: A Guide for healthcare professionals
Price : Currency 38.00
Author/s : Brian Lockwood
Type : Text Book
Pages : 448
Year of Publication : 2007
Publisher : Pharmaceutical Press BSP Book
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Nutraceuticals are complementary medicines of natural origin. Usually obtained from a food source, they are sold as isolated, purified components in pharmacological doses for specific ailments. The international market for nutraceuticals is rapidly expanding and new research is constantly being conducted. New products are appearing on the market, some with novel therapeutic applications.
This new edition of Nutraceuticals reflects these changes and has broadened its scope with coverage of: 

  • Monographs on 25 nutraceuticals including soy and tea
  • Discussion of nutraceuticals according to disease state

and additional chapters on:

  • Synergism and combination therapies
  • Safety, adverse effects and interactions
  • Quality issues
  • Minor nutraceuticals

This authoritative text assesses the medical and scientific evidence for the use of nutraceuticals for prevention or treating important disease states. It will be of value to practising pharmacists, other healthcare professionals and complementary medicine practitioners.


1.    Introduction

2.    Monographs

3.    Source, Manufacture and Analysis of Major Nutraceuticals

4.    Metabolism, Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetics of Nutraceuticals

5.    Joint Health

6.    Cardiovascular Health

7.    Eye Health

8.    Mental Health

9.    Sleep Enhancement

10. Cancer Prevention

11. Bone Health

12. Respiratory Health

13. Women's Health

14. Weight Management

15. Skin Health

16. Oral Health

17. Sporting Performance/enhancement

18. Animal Health

19. Meta-analyses/systemic Reviews

20. Synergism, Beneficial Interactions and Combination Products

21. Emerging Nutraceuticals

22. Adverse Effects

23. Quality

24. Conclusions

About the Author:

Brian Lockwood is a practicing academic pharmacist, who has lectured widely on plant and complementary medicines, both nationally and internationally. He is author and co-author of a number of books, book and encyclopedia chapters, and articles in scientific and professional journals on the subject of nutraceuticals. He has taught in Manchester for 26 years, and also spent a number of months and years in a further eight Schools of Pharmacy, dealing with most aspects of plant medicines.
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