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Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics
Author(s) :David A. Grossman, Ophir Frieder

ISBN : 9789402416787
Name : Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics
Price : Currency 995.00
Edition : Second Edition
Author/s : David A. Grossman, Ophir Frieder
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 352
Year of Publication : Rpt.2019
Publisher : Springer BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book: 

Interested in how an efficient search engine works? Want to know what algorithms are used to rank resulting documents in response to user requests? The authors answer these and other key information retrieval design and implementation questions. This book is not yet another high level text. Instead, algorithms are thoroughly described, making this book ideally suited for both computer science students and practitioners who work on search-related applications. As stated in the foreword, this book provides a current, broad, and detailed overview of the field and is the only one that does so. Examples are used throughout to illustrate the algorithms. The authors explain how a query is ranked against a document collection using either a single or a combination of retrieval strategies, and how an assortment of utilities are integrated into the query processing scheme to improve these rankings. Methods for building and compressing text indexes, querying and retrieving documents in multiple languages, and using parallel or distributed processing to expedite the search are likewise described. This edition is a major expansion of the one published in 1998. Besides updating the entire book with current techniques, it includes new sections on language models, cross-language information retrieval, peer-to-peer processing, XML search, mediators, and duplicate document detection.

1. Introduction 
2. Reteieval Strategies 
3. Retrieval Utilities 
4. Cross-Language Information Retrieval 
5. Efficiency 
6. Integrating Structured Data and Text 
7. Parallel Information Retrieval 
8. Distributed Information Retrieval 
9. Summary and Future Directions
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