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Morphological and Biochemical Characterization of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria
Author(s) :Hariharan A. G., Neelesh Malviya

ISBN : 9789388305846
Name : Morphological and Biochemical Characterization of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria
Price : Currency 995.00
Author/s : Hariharan A. G., Neelesh Malviya
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 264
Year of Publication : 2019
Publisher : PharmaMed Press BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book: This book has been designed with the objective that it will provide a practical guide to the students in the Characterization of the Bacteria in a simplified manner. The book had been broadly divided into four segments. The first Segment comprise of the basic techniques of microbiology like media preparation, Sterilization process, Aseptic transfer etc. The Second segment is the Morphological characterization of the bacteria like various staining techniques. The Third segment is the Biochemical characterization of the bacteria. The final segment is the added for the benefits of the pharmaceutical students for better understanding of Test for sterility, Assay of Antibiotics, etc. This book has designed and illustrated in a manner for the better understanding for the students and the research persons. This book would be useful for students of Medical sciences and Paramedical sciences of certificate and graduate levels such as B.Pharm, Certificate Nursing, Laboratory Technician, Health Assistant, B. Sc Nursing, Bachelor of Nursing (B N), B. Sc Medical Microbiology, Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Technologist (BMLT), B. Sc Microbiology, Bachelor in Public Health (BPH), Bachelor in Dental Surgery (BDS), Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery (MBBS).
Contents: PART I: Introduction to Microbiology 1.History of Microbiology 2. Bio-safety Levels 3. Instruments of Microbiology Lab PART II: Basic Techniques of Microbiology 4. Optical Microscopy 5. Preparation and Sterilization of Media 6. Aseptic Transfer of Bacterial Culture PART III : Morphological Characterization of Bacteria 7. Colony Characteristics of Bacteria 8. Preparation of Specimen for Staining 9. Simple Staining 10. Gram Staining 11. Negative Staining 12. Acid Fast Staining-Ziehl-Neelsen Staining 13. Spore Staining 14. Capsule Staining 15. Motility of Bacteria (Hanging Drop Method) PART IV: Biochemical Characterization of Bacteria 16. Acetamide Utilization Test 17. Acetate Utilization Test 18. AL (-Amino Levelunic Acid) Test for Porphyrin Synthesis 19. Carbohydrate Utilization Test Kligler’s Iron Agar Test 21. Triple Sugar Iron Agar Test 22. Indole Production Test (IMViC Test) 23. MR-VP (Methyl Red–Voges Proskauer) Test (IMViC Test) 24. Citrate Utilization Test (Simmon Citrate Test)(IMViC Test) 25. Hydrogen Sulfide Production Test 26. Glucan and Polysaccharide Production Test 27. Gelatin Liquefaction Test (Kohn Method) 28. Tube Coagulase Test 29. Decarboxylase-Dihydrolase Test 30. Centrimide Test 31. Catalase Test 32. Leucine Aminopeptidase Test (LAP Test) 33. Malonate Test 34. Methyl Glucopyranoside Test (MGP Test) 35. Nitrate/Nitrate Reduction Test 36. Oxidase Test 37. Phenylalanine Deaminase Test (PDA Test) 38. Starch Hydrolysis Test 39. Urea Test 40. Lipase Test 41. Lecithinases Test 42. Alkaline Phosphotase Test 43. Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Test 44. L- Alanyl- Alanylaminopeptidase Test 45. L-Proline – Aminopeptidase Test 46. Spot Indole Test 47. Bile Test PART V 48. Bacterial Growth Curve Analysis and its Environmental Applications PART VI 49. Determination of Phenol Coefficient PART VII 50. Test for Sterility PART VIII 51. Microbial Assay of Antibiotics
About the Authors: Hariharan A. G., Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, K.M. College of Pharmacy, Madurai. He has experience in various Academic and industrial projects particularly in the areas like Formulation development, Bioprocess technology, Method development and Regulatory process. He had Completed B.Pharm and M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai and PhD from Shobhit University, Meerut. Having more than 15 Years experience in Academics dealing with Pharmaceutical microbiology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at both UG and PG levels. He had published many research and review articles and presented more than 50 research papers in both national and international conferences. Neelesh Malviya, M. Pharm. (Hons.), MBA (HR), Ph.D. (Pharm. Sci.), is presently designated as Professor & Principal in Smriti College of Pharmaceutical Education, Indore (M.P.). He received his entire pharmaceutical education from B. R. Nahata College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur (M.P.). Prof. Dr. Neelesh Malviya attained research project from DST, New Delhi and MPCST, Bhopal due to his research aptitude in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. The major areas of his research are Phytochemistry and Herbal Drug development. He achievements are recognized by his publications in various reputed peer-reviewed National and International journals which are more than 65 in number, authored five textbook and two chapters, written articles and columns in newspapers on pharmacy education, guided 25 postgraduate and 23 graduates research projects to date. Presently supervising 8 Ph.D. and 4 postgraduate research projects. He is an Honorary Life member of IPA, APTI, Indian Society of Pharmacognosy, ISTE, IPGA, CEGR and Society of Ethnopharmacology.
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