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Objective Soil Science
M. Raghavendra Reddy, P. N. Siva Prasad, A. Sathish, V. R. Ramakrishna Parama

ISBN : 9789388305860
Name : Objective Soil Science
Price : Currency 300.00
Editor/s : M. Raghavendra Reddy, P. N. Siva Prasad
Type : Text Book
Pages : 294
Year of Publication : 2019
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book: 

Soil science and Agricultural chemistry is one of the major subjects in Agricultural Sciences. It became a deciding subject to become candidature for most of the aspirants for competitive exams in Agriculture. This book contains major divisions of the subject having various formats of objective questions which are frequently found in different examinations. This book will be a great asset to aspirants for Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Senior Research Fellow (SRF), NET conducting by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR ) and other competitive exams. Authors are highly acknowledged to the fundamental reference books of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry.

1. Soil Pedology 
2. Soil Physics 
3. Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management 
4. Manures and Fertilizers 
5. Soil Chemistry 
6. Soil Microbiology 
7. Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation 
8. Problematic Soils 
9. Watershed Management and Land Use Planning 
10. Remote Sensing and GIS 
11. Radioactivity Isotopes and Nanotechnology 
12. Agricultural Statistics 
13. Important Facts in Soil Science
About the Authors: 

M. Raghavendra Reddy graduated from Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University. He obtained his M.Sc. (Ag.) from Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore and Ph.D. (ICAR-SRF) from GKVK, University of Agricultural Science, Bangalore in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry. He cleared NET-2014 conducted by Agricultural Research Board, New Delhi. He has an experience of two years in research and teaching in SAU and ICAR institutes. He has to his credit about 10 scientific papers published in National and International journals. He achieved University gold medal and STCR gold medal from UAS (B) for his merit in Ph.D. He was also recipient of various prizes and awards during his graduation and post-graduation. 

P. N. Siva Prasad obtained his B.Sc. (Ag.) from S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupathi, ANGRAU, M.Sc.(Ag.) from Agricultural College, Mahanandhi, ANGRAU and Ph.D from University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore. He is recipient of two gold medals for his post graduate studies in the decipline of Agriculture and in the decipline of Soil Science and cleared NET conducted by ASRB in 2015. He was awarded with DST-INSPIRE fellowship for pursuing his doctoral studies by GOI. He received best oral presentation of doctoral degree research award for his Ph.D studies under the theme of Crop Production during PG Science week-2018 at UAS (B). He has published 10 research papers in reputed scientific journals and 15 multi disciplinary popular articles. He attended various conferences and seminars both at National and International level. 

A. Sathish working as Associate Professor in the department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, GKVK, University of Agricultural Science, Bangalore. He has an experience of 14 years in research, teaching and extension activities in soil science. He is specialized in Remote Sensing and GIS. He awarded with Vasantha Rao Naik award for his outstanding research in dry land agriculture. He guided 7 M.Sc. students and 2 Ph.D. scholars. He visited several countries to attend conferences, meetings and seminars. He published more than 45 peer reviewed research papers. Currently he is Principal and Co-Principal Investigator for several projects. He is actively involved in projects collaborated with University of Kassel, Germany and University of Basel, Switzerland. 

V. R. Ramakrishna Parama former head, Dept. of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore has a distinguished career spanning thirty four years in Teaching, Research, Extension and Administration. He has specialized in Soil Fertility, Recycling of Organic Residues, Pollution and Watershed Management. A decorated Scientist he was conferred the ICAR best teacher and Researcher award in addition to seven other University and National Awards. His Doctoral and Masters students have also achieved distinction bagging the Jawahar Lal Nehru Award for outstanding Doctoral research besides many other prestigious National awards. Has been Principal Investigator of several National and International research projects worth over twenty crores. With over hundred research publications in reputed journals his contribution to the farming community has been immense.
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