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Organic Chemistry – A Comprehensive Approach
Author(s) :V. Alagarsamy

ISBN : 9789387593848
Name : Organic Chemistry – A Comprehensive Approach
Price : Currency 1495.00
Author/s : V. Alagarsamy
Type : Text Book
Pages : 1232
Year of Publication : 2019
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book: 

Organic Chemistry - A Comprehensive Approach is a much awaited great work in the Chemistry and Pharmacy. Targeted mainly to Pharm-D & M. Pharmacy and B. Pharmacy students, this book will also be useful for B.Sc., as well as M.Sc., chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry students. The main objective of this book is to attract the undergraduate and post graduate students, so that they understand the basic principles of Organic Chemistry. Thus the book is aimed to eliminate the inadequacy in teaching and learning of Organic Chemistry by providing enormous information about the Organic compounds. Salient Features 

• The content of the book is innovative and presented in 53 chapters, in a detailed form as per the needs of the students. 
• The book has covered the entire organic chemistry, starts from origin of organic chemistry to recent developments in organic chemistry like nano chemistry, green chemistry. 
• Describing all the aspects of Organic compounds of all type in easy to understand manner is the first of its kind. 
• For each chapter, a brief introduction of the individual chapter, Importance, Detailed discussion of the Basic Theory, Preparations, Reactions, Test for identification and Uses and Applications in pharmacy are discussed which reflects the title of the book, “Organic Chemistry – A Comprehensive Approach”. 
• The principles of Organic Chemistry, which is difficult to remember by the students is described in a student friendly manner which is easy to understood and able to reproduce well in examinations. 
• Presentation with simple and similar pattern of explanation along with chemical reactions of all compounds helps to reproduce well in examinations. 
 • To help the students to learn and magnetize the attention we have used color in equations and diagrams. 
• Interesting facts about great scientists and organic compounds and their discovery are given under each chapter to inspire the readers. 
 • The coverage is complete when compared to the all University syllabus in India, AICTE and the PCI syllabi.

1. Introduction to Organic Chemistry 
2. Purification of Organic Compounds 
3. Qualitative Analysis (Detection of Elements) 
4. Quantitative Analysis 
5. Determination of Molecular Mass 
6. Nomenclature of Organic Compounds 
7. Structure of Organic Molecules and their Relative Properties 
8A. Covalent Bond 
8B. Influence of Structure on Physical Properties 
9. Factors Influencing a Chemical Reaction or Electronic Displacements in Molecules 
10. Hydrogen Bonding 
11. Organic Reactions and Mechanism 
12. Isomerism 
13. General Terms used in Organic Chemistry 

14. Alkanes 
15. Alkenes or Olefins 
16. Alkynes or Acetylenes 
17. Alkadienes or Dienes or Diolefins 
18. Cycloalkanes 
19. Alcohols 
20. Ethers and Epoxides 
21. Thioalcoholos and Thioethers 
22A. Halogen Derivatives or Alkyl Halides 
22B. Nucleophilic Substitution and Elimination Reactions 
23. Aldehydes and Ketones 
24. Carboxylic Acids 
25. Dicarboxylic Acids 
26. Substituted Acids-I 
27. Functional Derivatives of Carboxylic Acids 
28. Fats and Oils 
29. Amines, Alkyl Nitrites and Alkyl Nitrates 
30. Nitriles or Cyanogen Compounds 
31. Organometallic Compounds 
32. Active Methylene Group Containing Compounds 
33. α, β–Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds 
34. Aliphatic Diazo Compounds 

35. Introduction to Aromatic Compounds 
36. Benzene and its Analogues (Arenes) 
37. Aryl Halides 
38. Aromatic Sulphonic Acids 
39. Aromatic Nitro Compounds 
40. Aromatic Amines 
41. Aryl Diazonium Salts 
42. Phenols 
43. Aromatic Aldehydes and Ketones 
44. Aromatic Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives 
45. Dyes 
46. Polynuclear Hydrocarbons 

47. Oxidation and Reduction 
48. Pericyclic Reactions 
49. Reactions and Reagents 
50. Some Official Medicinal Compounds ( Pharm. D.) 

51. Green Chemistry 
52. Microwave Assisted Synthesis 
53. Nanochemistry
About the Author: 

Dr. V. Alagarsamy, M. Pharm., PhD, FIC, DOMH, is Professor and Principal of MNR College of Pharmacy, Sangareddy, Gr. Hyderabad. He received his D.Pharm from Coimbatore Medical College, B.Pharm degree from Madurai Medical College, M.Pharm from LM College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad, PhD from The MS University of Baroda. He has been teaching Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry of Natural Products & Medicinal Chemistry and performing research work in synthetic medicinal chemistry on novel heterocyclic bio-active compounds for two decades. For his research work, he has collaborated with various research laboratories/organizations like National Cancer Institute, USA; Rega Institute for Medical Research, Belgium; Southern Research Institute, USA; and Sudbury Regional Hospital, Ontario, Canada. He is a recipient of young scientist award from the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi. He is the author/coauthor of over 150 papers, which includes the original research articles and presentations in various conferences and symposium. He become the co-editor of the International journal “Antiinfective Agents”, published by Bentham Science Publishers. His Books on the title of “Text Book of Medicinal Chemistry,” “Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Natural Products,” “Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry” and “Practical Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry” are well appreciated in the academic community. His research activities are supported by the funding agencies like CSIR, DST and DSIR. Dr. V. Alagarsamy is a member of All India Board of Pharmaceutical Education (AIB-PE), AICTE, New Delhi and he was a member of board of studies (Pharmacy) in Osmania University, Hyderabad and is a doctoral committee member and a recognized research guide for PhD scholars in various universities.
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