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Digital Pharma Marketing Playbook
Author(s) :Subba Rao Chaganti

ISBN : 9789389354478
Name : Digital Pharma Marketing Playbook
Price : Currency 2495.00
Author/s : Subba Rao Chaganti
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 741
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:  

Digital Pharma Marketing Playbook is a first-of-its-kind-of book. It is the first and only book that presents 101 cases in digital pharma marketing. These cases show how some of the leading pharmaceutical companies across the world have used digital and social media channels. They are also excellent learning opportunities to all pharma marketing and brand managers, and students of pharmaceutical marketing. Digital transformation is sweeping the world around us. Everything these days has become digital. The ever-increasing rate of adoption of wearable devices and the advent of the internet of things are digitizing more and more of our experience. At the same time, healthcare in general, and the pharmaceutical industry, in particular, have been lagging in adapting to a digital strategy. It is not that the pharma is new to multichannel marketing. The pharmaceutical industry traditionally has been following a multichannel marketing strategy, where most of the channels have been static rather than dynamic. The number of channels has increased significantly due to the internet explosion. Pharma is moving to a multi-stakeholder world, a world in which stakeholders beyond the prescriber are gaining importance. These new influencer groups such as patients, nurses, payers, and regulators are increasingly turning to digital channels for their information needs regarding healthcare. Digital, therefore, plays a vital role in reaching these new audiences. If you want to maximize the impact of your marketing communications, can you afford to ignore the channels that your stakeholders are frequently using? Of course, not. Therefore, the question is not, to digitize or not to digitize, but how soon and how effectively? Why a Digital Pharma Marketing Playbook? Because, a playbook is a one-stop-read or single-source resource for all the essential information that you need on a given sport — in our case, Digital Pharma Marketing. If you can make work more fun and enjoyable it is play! Moreover, when work becomes play, there are no goals that you cannot score!

1. Challenging Times! Changing Rules! 
2. Digital Revolution 
3. Digital Pharma Marketing 
4. Social Media Marketing and Pharma 
5. Digital Transformation
About the Author:

Subba Rao Changanti has a masters in business administration and over fifty-two years of experience in pharmaceutical marketing covering the whole gamut and all facets of the industry from selling to sales management, product management to heading the total marketing activity. His experience includes domestic and International marketing, and also Indian and multinational sectors. He also taught for a few years a course on Advertising and Brand Management at Gitam Institute of Foreign Trade (now part of Gitam University) at Visakhapatnam as an adjunct professor and also taught a course on Marketing at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad as a visiting faculty. He lives in Hyderabad, and you can reach him at Here is a list of his publications: Books Published: 1. Pharmaceutical Marketing in India: Concepts, Cases, Strategy 2. Game Plans for Post-Gatt Era: Action Agenda of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry 3. Compete or Forfeit: Strategies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Pharma Product Patents Era 4. Pharmaceutical Marketing in India for Today and Tomorrow - 25th Anniversary Edition 5. Bullseyes and Blunders: Lessons from 100 Cases in Pharmaceutical Marketing
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