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Footprints of Toxicology in India
Author(s) :Ankita Pandey, AB Pant

ISBN : 9789389354683
Name : Footprints of Toxicology in India
Price : Currency 595.00
Author/s : Ankita Pandey, AB Pant
Type : Text Book
Pages : 465
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book: 

The book “Footprints of Toxicology in India” is a tribute to the untold journey of India in the field of Toxicology. The book would be the first of its kind to trace the historical growth of the discipline in India, its origin and development, highlighting significant innovative achievements, breakthroughs, lessons learnt and issues addressed which have revolutionized the discipline. Equipped with case histories, technical, but applied approach, informative tables and easy to comprehend language, this book could be an unparalleled reservoir of information for graduate and postgraduate students, Ph.D. scholars and scientists studying/working in different arenas of toxicology with a practical understanding of the discipline. Moreover, the book also aims to reach out to the common masses, the non-scientific fraternity, to advance their basic understanding of the subject with better relativity in the day to day life. Key Features • The book offers several unique features: • Comprehensive description of earliest historical aspects in the field of toxicology and its origin and development in India since its formal inception in 1960s • Work that has been undertaken aiming at the recognition, identification and control/mitigation of hazards encountered occupationally (agricultural fields, mines) and environmentally (air, water, food) • Comprehensive account of the studies encompassing the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, management and prevention of clinical problems associated with acute poisoning, adverse drug events; drug abuse, addiction and withdrawal; chemicals and hazardous materials; venomous bites and stings; and environmental and workplace exposures • Concise coverage of the research on nanoparticles directed towards synthesis and detailed characterization, bioavailability, uptake, biodistribution and excretion profiles, investigation of interactions with biological systems (from whole organism to molecular level) • Work undertaken on identification and validation of various biomarkers, toxicogenomic effects and genes susceptibilities that have revolutionized the understanding of human occupational and environmental diseases • Overview of the major legislations that have shaped the regulatory framework in India in context of toxicology and significant contributions that underlie the basis of various regulatory decisions in the country • Provides comprehensive information on mechanistic basis of drug/chemical/xenobiotics induced toxicity on the different organs. Establishment of novel screening strategies, validation of new alternatives to animal models, in vitro approaches, computational modelling and microarray approaches have been subtly discussed • A concise coverage of the preventive/therapeutic avenues proposed to prevent/protect against chemical/drug/xenobiotics induced toxicity to different organs • Provides a quantitative analysis of the publication output of the country in the field of toxicology and its global impact from 1960s-2019

1. Introduction 
2. History of Toxicology in India: Antiquity 
3. Milestones that Shaped Toxicology Growth in India 
4. Occupational Toxicology 
5. Environmental Toxicology 
6. Medical Toxicology 
7. Nanotoxicology 
8. Toxicogenomics 
9. Regulatory Toxicology 
10. Organ Specific Toxicology 
11. Mapping the Publication Output of Toxicology Research in India 
12. Future Prospects and Recommendations
About the Authors:

Dr. Ankita Pandey is an alumnus of CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, India. In her active research career, she has made dedicated and sustained efforts to decipher the signalling cascade involved in the development of neuronal cells derived from human and animal stem cells. She has further investigated the influence of organophosphate pesticides on regulatory mechanisms of these stem cell-derived neuronal cells at various stages of maturity. Her research work has been instrumental in culminating the stem cell-based high-throughput in vitro system for assessing the neurotoxicity and developmental neurotoxicity potential of drugs and chemicals. She has several research papers in National and International journals of high repute that are well recognized and have a good number of citations. She has been the recipient of the most prestigious ‘Tulsabai Somani Education Trust Award’ conferred by the Indian Academy of Neurosciences. 

Dr AB Pant is a seasoned toxicologist with over thirty years of active research career. He started his research career at CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India, and earned his Ph.D. in Biotechnology from IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. Presently, he is serving as Senior Principal Scientist at CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, India. In the scientific fraternity, Dr Pant is renowned for his elegant research on the application of human cord blood stem cells (hCBSCs) in developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) and establishing the number of in vitro model systems as an alternative to Laboratory animals for biomedical research. His DNT research provides profound insights into the complex processes involved in neuronal development, injury and repair mimicking to the human brain during the gestation and early stage of life. More precisely, his work discovered that how the master regulator signalling molecules/cascades are critical to converting hCBSCs into functional neurons and what exactly happens when things go wrong during the intricate process of neuronal development. In his much-acclaimed research, he has uncovered new links between the xenobiotic metabolizing capabilities and their regulators in hCBSCs derived neuronal cells all through the differentiation. His work on the developing neurons not only offers a much sought after the framework for understanding the neurodegenerative disorders and potential therapeutic interventions but also is a strong base for future studies aimed at interpreting the human brain-specific DNT. Dr Pant has handled and currently being handling numbers of research projects as Principal Investigator, awarded from National and International funding agencies, including ICMR, DBT, DST, CSIR, Indo-Brazil, UP-CST, etc. Besides the laboratory work, he dedicated himself to fostering the science among students through public outreach talks and mentoring pre-and postdoctorates. Since 2010 he has also been associated with National GLP Compliance Monitoring Authority, Government of India as Lead GLP Inspector. The accreditation agencies of the country-BIS, CDSCO, FSSAI, NABL, and so on are also utilizing his expertise through different task forces. He was a member of the draft committee of “National SOP for Patients’ Consent in India” developed by the Institute of Medicine & Law, Mumbai. As an International Advisor, he has been instrumental in establishing the WHO funded “Centre of Excellence for Nanotechnology” at Makerere University, Uganda. In the acknowledgement of his achievements in the professional career, he has been elected Fellow Several Scientific and Academies bodies, to name a few are: Academy of Toxicological Sciences, USA, Society of Toxicology, India, Indian Academy of Neurosciences, Academy of Sciences for Animal Welfare, India, Academy of Environmental Biology India, etc. Dr Pant is a UK Registered Toxicologist of the Royal Society of Biology, London, UK. Dr Pant is a recipient several prestigious awards such as Shakuntala Amir Chand Prize-2007 (ICMR), Vigyan Ratna Award-2010 (UP-Council of Science & Technology-Uttar Pradesh), National Bioscience Award-2012 (DBT), Prof. KT Shetty Memorial Oration Award-2017 (Indian Academy of Neurosciences), Toxicology Promotion Award-2018 (National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad), etc. Dr Pant has over 150 research publications in International journals of high impact and author of 11 book chapters. Dr Pant is also rendering the Editorial services to several research journals of high repute, to mention a few are: Editorial Member: Scientific Report (Nature Publishing Group), Academic Editor: PLoS ONE (2010-2018), Advisory Member: Toxicology Research (Royal Society of Chemistry), Associate Editor: Annals of Neurosciences (Journal of Academy of Neurosciences), and so on. Dr. Pant is also serving as Chairman/Expert Members in various taskforces/ Regulatory/Scientific Bodies at the national level.
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