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Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Second Edition
Author(s) :M. N. Rao, Razia Sultana

ISBN : 9789389354621
Name : Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Second Edition
Price : Currency 450.00
Edition : Second Edition
Author/s : M. N. Rao, Razia Sultana
Type : Text Book
Pages : 360
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

This book is meant to meet the requirements of Civil and Chemical engineering students opting for specialization in environmental engineering and sciences. The technologies described in the book will be of great use to decision-makers in municipalities, hospitals, industries, regulatory bodies, planning and government departments in designing systems for safe disposal of municipal solid wastes, plastic waste, bio-medical wastes, hazardous wastes and e-wastes. Bio-medical wastes, Hazardous wastes, Industrial solid wastes, plastic waste and e-wastes are also posing problems of collection, transport, treatment and disposal. Waste management is an essential task which has important consequences for public health and well being, the quality and sustainability of urban environment and the efficiency and productivity of the urban economy. The book presents the fundamentals of solid and hazardous waste management in a lucid manner. The technologies adopted for efficient treatment, effective storage and safe disposal of municipal, biomedical, industrial, hazardous and electronic wastes are dealt with in great detail.

1. Introduction 
2. Municipal Solid Waste 
3. Plastic Waste 
4. Biomedical Waste 
5. Hazardous Waste 
6. Electronic Waste 
7. Soil Remediation Technologies 
8. Waste Minimization 
9. Environment Impact Assessment 
10. Electronic Waste Management in Some Countries
About the Authors:

Dr. M. N. Rao is presently an Emeritus Professor at J N T University, Hyderabad. He obtained Ph D in Environmental Engineering and did Post doctoral work in New Zealand. He taught at IIT Roorkee and NIT Durgapur for 16 years and later moved into Industrial R&D at Bangalore. He then joined Govt. of India and served as Professor and later Director of National Institute for Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chennai for about 10 years. Dr. Rao published 250 Technical papers in National and International Journals, 25 manuals, 5 textbooks and 15 video lessons. He worked as an expert member on several Technical Committees of Pollution Control Boards and Ministries of Govt of India. and Govts of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Karnataka. He is a Consultant to UNEP, WHO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, DANIDA, CIDA, Colombo Plan Staff College, Manila and more than 50 industries in India and abroad. He is a Member of academic councils of 9 universities and Visiting Professor to 10 Academic Institutions and Engineering Colleges. Dr.Rao guided about 200 Masters and Ph D projects. He is a recipient of 20 awards including 4 gold medals. He chaired 30 International Conferences and presented Technical papers in 54 countries around the world. His areas of interest are Water supply, wastewater treatment, Air pollution control, Waste management, EIA and Environmental Education. Email: 

Dr. Razia Sultana is Director (Programs) at Environment Protection Training and Research Institute (EPTRI), Hyderabad.She obtained PhD in Environmental Science from Kakatiya University, Warangal. She is recipient of gold medal in B.Sc (RBVRR Womens’ College, Narayanguda). She worked at APPCB for 14 years in various capacities and joined EPTRI in 1992. She was in charge of Global Environmental Monitoring System and Monitoring of Indian National Aquatic Resources. She established Biotechnology Laboratory and Botanical Garden at EPTRI. She assisted the AP Government in bringing out Water, Land and Trees Act, 2000. She published Technical papers in various Journals and is coordinator for international training programs of Colombo Plan and Newsletters of ENVIS. She has done projects with World Bank, WHO, ESCAP and UNEP and national Ministries. She has undergone training at Japan, Sweden, Canada and USA. Her expertise is in drafting environmental acts, cleaner production, monitoring and restoration of lakes, waste water treatment, waste management, and EIA. She is a member of Environment Panel for CII (2011-2012). Dr. Razia guided many students of Bachelor, Master, M.Phil and PhD students. She chaired national conferences and presented technical papers. Email:
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