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Bentley and Driver’s Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Author(s) :Atherden LM

ISBN : 9780198864479
Name : Bentley and Driver’s Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Price : Currency 2495.00
Edition : Eighth Edition
Author/s : Atherden LM
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 926
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2020
Publisher : Oxford / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book:

 In the preparation of this new edition Dr Atherden has kept in mind the original character of the book as a tectbook for those studying for degree or diploma examination in pharmaceutical chemistry in Great Britain, the commonwealth and in America, with a wider application to practicing pharmacists and chemists. 

Part 1 gives a general account, in relation mainly to the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) of certain physical and chemical methods used in determining the purity of pharmaceutical substances. Where the procedure in the United Ststes Pharmacopeia (USP) differs notably in principle, a description of the method is given. Part 2 deals mainly with inorganic compounds in common use in pharmacy, and for convenience the simpler organic salts are also included. A brief summary of the general chemistry of each element in monographs of the BP or of the USP Part 3 is a modernized treatment of organic chemistry (included electronic theory) with special reference to compounds of Pharmacopoeial standards of official substances is placed at the end of the chapters in which they naturally falt.

 The scope and usefulness of this edition has been broadened by the inclusion of those substances of the USP which are not included in the BP and in order to keep this edition as up to date as possible mention has been made of some important drugs, not at present official but which are likely to appear in future pharmacopeias.


Part-I: Analytical Methods

1. Physical techniques 2. Gravimetric methods 3. Hydrogen-ion concentration, indicators, and acid-base reactions 4. Determination of pH values 5. Organometallic complexes in analysis 6. Volumetric methods 7. Photometric methods 8. Measurements of radioactivity 9. Impurities in pharmacopoeial substances

 Part-II: Inorganic

10. Atomic nuclei and radioactivity 11. Periodicity and valency 12. Oxygen and helium 13. Sulphur and selenium 14. The halogens 15. Nitrogen and phosphorus 16. Boron, silicon, and titanium 17. Sodium and potassium 18. Copper, silver and gold 19. Calcium and barium 20. Magnesium, zinc, and mercury 21. Lead 22. Arsenic, antimony, and bismuth 23. Iron and aluminium

 Part-III: Organic

24. Organic compounds, and their purifications 25. Organic formula and nomenclature 26. Saturated hydrocarbons 27. Unsaturated hydrocarbons 28. Alcohols 29. Ethers 30. Aldehydes and ketones 31. Acids 32. Esters 33. Halo-hydrocarbons 34. Di-and tri-hydric alcohols, fats, waxes and soaps 35. Di-and tricarboxylic acids 36. Stereochemistry 37. Cyanogen compounds 38. Amines and related compounds 39. Carbohydrates 40. Benzene and its homologues 41. Aromatic halogen, sulphonic, and nitro-compounds 42. Mechanisms of aromatic substitution 43. Aromatic amines and diazonium compounds 44. Phenols 45. Aromatic alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and quinines 46. Aromatic carboxylic acids 47. Fused-ring hydrocarbons 48. Constituents of volatile oils, &c. 49. Glycosides 50. Heterocyclic compounds: introductory 51. Pyridine derivatives 52. Piperidine derivatives 53. Quinoline derivatives 54. Pyridine and furan derivatives 55. Pyrazole and imidazole derivatives 56. Diazine derivatives 57. Barbiturates 58. Phenothiazine derivatives 59. Azepine derivatives 60. Local anaesthetics 61. Sulphonamides and sulphones 62. Miscellaneous heterocyclic compounds 63. Amidino-compounds 64. Quaternary ammonium salts 65. Dyes and related compounds 66. Organic compounds of phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, gold, and mercury 67. Proteins and amino-acids 68. Hormones 69. Steroids 70. Vitamins 71. Antibiotics 72. Alkaloids and purines 73. Alkaloidal assays and other extractive processes
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