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Cracking the Generics code – Your Single-Source Success Manual for Winning in Multi-Source Product Markets!
Author(s) :Subba Rao Chaganti

ISBN : 9789390211579
Name : Cracking the Generics code – Your Single-Source Success Manual for Winning in Multi-Source Product Markets!
Price : Currency 1995.00
Author/s : Subba Rao Chaganti
Type : Text Book
Pages : 667
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

The global generic drug industry is robust and growing. The total value of the global generic drug industry has crossed $900 billion in 2016, and is poised to cross the coveted $1 trillion soon. However, the generic sector is not very concentrated, with the top ten global generic companies accounting for about only 38 percent of the total value. Furthermore, only four companies — Mylan, Teva, Sandoz, Pfizer (General and Established Products) Generics division, and Sun Pharma, have a truly global presence. Why is it that only four out of the many generic drug companies are global, and the rest are not? What are the success secrets of these companies? Do they have a separate Success DNA? A Code for winning in the global generic drug markets? Can any of the other companies become global?

CRACKING THE GENERICS CODE unravels the mystery of the DNA for success in the international generic drug markets. It, as the title, suggests cracks the code to succeed in the global generic drug markets. The key to the generics code is a synthesis of insights gained from a detailed study of twenty leading players in the business. A detailed analysis of these twenty companies reveals the success code of a winning strategy’s ten essential elements. Therefore, CRACKING THE GENERICS CODE will be your valuable guide for formulating and executing strategies for winning in the global generics markets. The book presents insights gleaned and gained from the strategies employed by these twenty highly successful companies in a capsule form.

Every which way you look at it, CRACKING THE GENERICS CODE is your single-source success manual for winning at multi-source (generic drugs) product markets!


1.       Global Pharmaceutical Industry: An Overview

2.       A Short History of Generics

3.       The Turf Wars

4.       The Code

5.       Strategic Vision

6.       Reaching the Critical Mass

7.       Marketing Mindset

8.       Technology Focus

9.       Focus on Research

10.    Intellectual Capital

11.    Integrating Strategically

12.    Internationalizing the Business

13.    Attracting Alliances

14.    Operational Excellence

15.    The Secret Sauce

16.    The Contenders

17.    Generics: The Road Ahead

18.    Winner’s Checklist!

About the Author:

Subba Rao Chaganti has a masters in business administration and over fifty-two years of pharmaceutical marketing experience covering the whole gamut and all facets of the industry, from sales management to product management to heading the total marketing activity. His experience covers domestic and international marketing, and also Indian and multinational sectors.

For a few years, he also taught a course on Advertising and Brand Management at the GITAM Institute of Foreign Trade (now part of GITAM University) at Visakhapatnam as an adjunct professor. He also taught a course on Marketing at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, as a visiting faculty.

He lives in Hyderabad and can be reached at


Here is a list of his books published:

1. Pharmaceutical marketing in India: Concepts, Cases, Strategy

2. Game Plans for Post-Gatt Era: Action Agenda of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

3. Compete or Forfeit: Strategies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Pharma Product Patents Era

4. Pharmaceutical Marketing in India for Today and Tomorrow - 25th Anniversary Edition

5. Bullseyes and Blunders: Lessons from 100 Cases in Pharmaceutical Marketing

6. Digital Pharma Marketing Playbook: Winning with the New Rules of Engagement
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