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Cosmetics for the Skin: Physiological and Pharmaceutical Approach
Author(s) :A. K. Mohiuddin

ISBN : 9789390211289
Name : Cosmetics for the Skin: Physiological and Pharmaceutical Approach
Price : Currency 2495.00
Author/s : A. K. Mohiuddin
Type : Text Book
Pages : 466
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

Step into the fascinating world of cosmetics with "Cosmetics for the Skin: Physiological and Pharmaceutical Approach". Delve into the rich history of cosmetic usage dating back to Ancient Egypt and explore how these products have evolved to shape our modern beauty routines and lifestyles.

This insightful book bridges the gap between science and beauty, offering a comprehensive look at the chemical and pharmacological aspects of cosmetics. From the basics of skincare to the intricate details of ingredient selection, this book covers it all. Discover the in-depth exploration of skincare products, including skin creams, lighteners, tanners, sunscreens, and anti-aging formulations.

As the global cosmetic market continues to soar, the need for innovative and safe products becomes paramount. Join the discussion on the challenges faced by manufacturers in meeting consumer demands while adhering to strict regulations. Uncover the risks posed by harmful cosmetics and gain valuable insights into the regulations governing this ever-evolving industry.

For enthusiasts of beauty, skincare professionals, and anyone curious about the science behind their favorite products, "Cosmetics for the Skin" offers a compelling journey through the art and science of cosmetics like never before.


1. Cosmetics in Use

2. Skin Creams

3. Skin Lightening and Management of Hyperpigmentation

4. Skin Aging and Modern Age Anti-Aging Strategies

5. Sunscreen and Suntan Preparations

6. Face Powders: Functional Uses and Formulations

7. Acne Protection

About the Author:

A. K. Mohiuddin, B.Pharm and M.Pharm from Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka. He has completed his MBA from East West University. He was in faculty of Pharmacy, World University of Bangladesh as an Assistant Professor. Along with 8 years of teaching experience, he also worked for reputed pharmaceutical companies for 5 years. He authored 10 books and many articles on skin care cosmetics, alternative medicines, patient care, marine drug sources and other recent issues of healthcare in several journals and newspapers. He is now acting secretary and treasurer in Dr. M. Nasirullah Memorial Trust.
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