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Manual of Practical Microbiology
Author(s) :J. Malathi, V. Jyostna

ISBN : 9788188449699
Name : Manual of Practical Microbiology
Price : Currency 275.00
Author/s : J. Malathi, V. Jyostna
Type : Text Book
Pages : 124
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

This is a ready reckoner for students of Pharmacy and Science for the aspects of Practical Microbiology.  The contents of the book are written keeping in view of the syllabi of different Indian Universities.

The Chapters covered in this Manual are - Laboratory Safety and Instrumentation, Cultivation of Bacteria, Isolation Techniques of Bacteria, Bacterial Cytology, Biochemical Tests IM VI C Test, Microbial Activity and Fungi.

The text of the manual is organised for ready-to-use by students in regular laboratory classes.


1.    Laboratory Safety and Instrumentation

2.    Cultivation of Bacteria

3.    Isolation Techniques of Bacteria

4.    Bacterial Cytology

5.    Biochemical Tests IMVIC Test

6.    Microbial Activity

7.    Fungi

About the Authors:

Vishnudas Jyostna is presently working as Assistant Professor in Sri Shivani Pharmacy College, Warangal.

       She has 5 years experience in teaching and management. She has guided students for projects.

 Jojula Malathi, is presently working as Assistant Professor in Sri Shivani Pharmacy College, Warangal.

       She has 6 years experience in teaching and management. She has completed her PhD. Under the guidance of Dr. Ram Reddy (KU)and Dr. Ramanama (Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal).

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