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Concepts of Social Pharmacy
Author(s) :Komal Sharma, Neelam Singla, Abhishek Tiwari

ISBN : 9789395039536
Name : Concepts of Social Pharmacy
Price : Currency 375.00
Author/s : Komal Sharma, Neelam Singla
Type : Text Book
Pages : 280
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

"Concepts of Social Pharmacy" is a comprehensive resource designed specifically for first-year diploma students in the field. With the introduction of Social Pharmacy as a subject in the Diploma in Pharmacy curriculum by the Pharmacy Council of India, this book fills a long-awaited gap in the educational material available to students.

Written in a simple and student-friendly manner, this book aims to provide the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in Social Pharmacy. The content is well-documented and supported by a range of tables, figures, and flowcharts, making it easy for students to grasp and understand the concepts discussed.

The topics covered in this book have been carefully aligned with the syllabus, ensuring that students receive the necessary information as per the specified hours of study. The chapters have undergone rigorous review to ensure their accuracy and relevance.


1.    Introduction to Social Pharmacy

2.    Role of Pharmacist in Preventive Health Care

3.    Nutrition and Health

4.    Introduction to Microbiology and Common Microorganisms

5.    Introduction to Health Systems and all Ongoing National Health Programs in India

6.    Role of Pharmacist in Disaster Management

7.    Pharmaeconomics

About the Authors:

Komal Sharma, M.Pharm, Ph.D. is currently working as Pharmacology Professor at, Bhupal Nobles Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Udaipur (Rajasthan). She is an alumnus of Punjab University, Chandigarh, and has teaching experience of more than 30 years. She has many book chapters, research, and review articles of National and International repute to her credit. While teaching various subjects to M Pharm, B Pharm, and D Pharm students, she identified the factors that encourage learning in students. Based on that experience, this student-friendly framework of the present book was designed. 

Neelam Singla is an alumnus of Punjab University, Chandigarh, working as Pharmaceutical Chemistry Professor at Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur. She has a profound 24 years of experience in academic and administrative roles and 6 years of industrial experience. She has worked with various prestigious universities (Delhi University, IP University) and propelled the students to achieve their academic goals. She is always passionate about learning and exploring the pharmaceutical landscape. As a pharmacist, she feels that there is a lot of scope for pharmacists in addressing the issue of public health. This book is written to conceptualize social pharmacy, a vital component of public health.

Abhishek Tiwari is working as Professor at, the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy Academy, IFTM University, Moradabad (UP), India. He has published many research papers in International journals, 23 international chapters, 17 Indian books, and one International book with Taylor and Francis Group, and is also the recipient of many prestigious awards. He is also an editorial member of various International journals. He has been granted 02 Indian, 01 South African, and 04 Australian patents.

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