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A Global Guide to Fintech and Future Payment Trends
Author(s) :Peter Goldfinch

ISBN : 9780367726485
Name : A Global Guide to Fintech and Future Payment Trends
Price : Currency 650.00
Author/s : Peter Goldfinch
Type : Text Book
Pages : 132
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : Routledge / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Being able to make and receive payments is an essential facet of modern life. It is integral to the banking and finance systems, and it touches all global citizens. In some areas, payment systems are rapidly evolving – moving swiftly from paper payment instruments, to electronic, to real-time – but in others, underdeveloped payment systems hold back economic and social development.

This book is intended to assist the reader in navigating the payments landscape. The author explores highly topical areas, such as the role of payment systems in enabling commerce to contribute to the development of emerging economies, the evolution of payment systems from paper instruments to computerization, the role of cryptocurrencies, and the slow decline of plastic credit and debit cards owing to alternative forms of payment being introduced.

Altogether, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of payment and offers projections for the future, encouraging readers to explore their own predictions, using the framework that the book has provided. It is vital reading for technologists, marketers, executives and investors in the FinTech sector, as well as academics teaching business and technology courses.


1.    Introduction

2.    Context of payments

3.    Disruption and FinTech

4.    Impact of mobile technology

5.    Payment services and methods

6.    Regulations and standards

7.    The slowly shifting sands of payments

About the Author:

Peter Goldfinch is a payments specialist who has developed extensive business and technical knowledge from delivering solutions. In 1991, he co-founded the GFG Group, a consultancy and services company. In the mid-2000s, GFG became a payments and cards product company that was sold in 2014 to Wirecard. In 2002, he left GFG and joined Visa Asia Pacific as CTO Domestic Processing before rejoining the GFG in 2005 as General Manager for Asia. In 2010, Peter returned to consultancy.
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