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Lake Kolleru - Environmental Status (Past and Present)
Author(s) :Y. Anjaneyulu, M. K. Durga Prasad

ISBN : 8178000466
Name : Lake Kolleru - Environmental Status (Past and Present)
Price : Currency 695.00
Author/s : Y. Anjaneyulu, M. K. Durga Prasad
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 236
Year of Publication : 2003
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Books:

Lake Kolleru - Environmental Status (Past and Present), This book highlights the Present and Past information on the physico-chemical properties, geographical features, ecology, biodiversity profiles besides huge potential of capture and culture fisheries of Lake Kolleru authored by various experts. It also depicts a holistic approach in the assessment of the impacts of anthropogenic activities on this fragile wetland. Most of the papers emphasize the immediate need for the conservation of the lake. Although trends are recognized, there is a need for an effective strategy that could minimize the threats and some papers throw light on the strategies for the sustainable management of this ecologically important interface. Keeping in view the unique and significant role of Lake Kolleru in protecting ecological balance, the information presented in different papers in the book will be very useful in providing a holistic concept for ecologists, biologists, research students, planners, statutory and regulatory authorities.


I Water Quality, 1. Assessment of Environmental Quality of Kolleru Lake and Strategic Management Plans, 2. Lake Kolleru vis- -vis the Fish Ponds-a Study on the Water Quality and Zooplankton, 3. Limnological aspects of Lake Kolleru, 4. Planning Atlas for Integrated Resource Development and Ecozoning of Lake Kolleru, 5. Lake Kolleru and its Environs in Relation to Quaternary Geology, Geomorphology, and Pollution, 6. Status of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Fishes from Lake Kolleru, 7. Lake Kolleru-a Perspective with Special Reference to Insecticide Pollution, 8. Pollution Studies of Kolleru Lake by Industrial, Agricultural, Domestic Wastes and Corrective Management Plans, II Biological Features, 9. Prospecting Utility of Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L) from Lake Kolleru, 10. Floristic Environment of Lake Kolleru, 11. The Large Scale Destruction of Molluscan Population of Lake Kolleru and its Likely impact on the Lake Ecology, 12. A Study on the Cladoceran Fauna of Lake Kolleru, 13. Temporal Distribution of Cladocera of Lake Kolleru, III Lake-fisheries, 14. Ecology and Fish Production in a Fish Pond of Lake Kolleru, 15. The Impact of Fisheries on Lake Kolleru, a Wetland Ecosystem, 16. The Fish and Fisheries of Lake Kolleru, 17. Murrel Fishery Resources of the Lake Kolleru, 18. Catfish Resources of Lake Kolleru, IV Lake Kolleru- general studies, 19. Lake Kolleru-The Biggest Freshwater Wetland Ecosystem in South India: Biodiversity and Status, 20. Kolleru Lake Ecosystem: A Comprehensive Study, 21. Conflict Between Development and Environment of Kolleru Lake (A Case Study of Environmental Impact Analysis), 22. Change Detection Studies in and Around Kolleru Lake using High Resolution Data, V Indian Wetlands, 23. Indian Wetlands, 24. Bibliography on Lake Kolleru.

About the Author:

Y. Anjaneyulu has 30 Years of teaching Experience and presently working as Professor and Head, Centre for Environment, JNT University where he is involved in teaching at post-graduate courses and R&D activities. He has published more than 90 research publications in various National and International journals and guided 19 Ph.Ds, 14 M.Phils and a large number of M.Sc. Tech; M.Tech dissertations. Prof. Y. Anjaneyulu worked as a visiting scientist of the British Council, and Post Doctoral Fellow at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK in 1986 and continuing link programmes with that Institute. Since 1997 he is acting as Chairman Board of Studies for the faculty of Environmental Sciences and Technology and Pharmacy of JNTU. Prof. Anjaneyulu received the Best Teacher Award of Government of Andhra Pradesh for the year 2002. He is currently working on various sponsored R&D projects on Mangrove Ecosystems Modeling and Management, Environmental Quality Mapping, Applications of Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Quality and Impact Assessment, Air Pollution Monitoring. He has edited three books: Industrial Pollution and Control Technologies (ICIPACT-97), Hazardous Waste Management Cycling and Distribution of Nutrients and Trace Metals in the Godavari Estuarine Mangrove Environment and he has also authored a number of books on various environmental themes like Air Pollution and Control Technologies, Environmental Impact Assessment, etc. M.K. Durga Prasad is a Professor of Aquatic Biology in the Department of Zoology in Nagarjuna University. He has published sixty research papers in many National and International Journals. He has authored and edited sixteen books. Prof. Durga Prasad has attended forty National and International Conferences. He has visited Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Belgium, England and Czechoslovakia on various scientific assignments. Prof. Durga Prasad is the recipient of the National Award for writing a book on popular science from the Ministry of Education, New Delhi.

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