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Landuse/Landcover and Management Practice in India
Author(s) :N. C. Gautam, V. Raghavswamy

ISBN : 8178000520
Name : Landuse/Landcover and Management Practice in India
Price : Currency 795.00
Author/s : N. C. Gautam, V. Raghavswamy
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 309
Year of Publication : 2004
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Books:

Land resources in the country are limited and are declining due to increasing population, land degradation and land conversions. Today, the availability of information on land use/land cover in the form of thematic maps, records and statistical figures are inadequate and are not up to date on the changing land use patterns and processes.

The National Conference on Land Use/Land Cover & Management Practices, while recognizing the importance of two way relationships between Land Use/Land Cover change and the Land Management practices, believe din need for generating valuable actions (i) data information & monitoring systems, (ii) Land Use change processes and their measurements (iii) Land Use management plans and their impacts and (iv) Capability building and institutional arrangements.

Main Topics

- Land Use Management Practices in India

- Land Use Dynamics and Farming System

- Land Use Database Generation and Management

- Land Use / Land Cover and Environmental Issues

- Land Degradation and Land Use Models

- Watershed Management and Sustainable Agriculture

- Urban Land Use Planning and Land Management

- Land Use Policies and Strategies



I. Land Use Management Practices in India, II. Land Use Dynamics and Farming System, III. Land Use Database Generation and Management, IV. Land Use / Land Cover and Environmental Issues, V. Land Degradation and Land Use Models, VI. Watershed Management and Sustainable Agriculture, VII. Urban Land Use Planning and Land Management, VIII. Land Use Policies and Strategies

About the Author:

 Naresh Chandra Gautam, is the Director of Centre for Land Use Management (CLUMA), Hyderabad and is advisor to many multinational companies in the field of Remote Sensing, GIS, Land Use Planning, Urban Management etc.

He is life member of several National Professional bodies and member of many International Organizations. He has published more than 80 research papers, five books and many are under publication. He was conferred the Bhoovigyan Ratna Award by Vice President of India in 2002.

He received his Master’s Degree from Agra University, Ph.D from Rajasthan University, and D. Litt. in Remote Sensing Technology and Application from International University, Washington DC, USA. He retired as Group Director, NRSA, Hyderabad.

Dr. V. Raghavswamy, M.Sc., Ph.D, is working as Grouphead, Land Use & Urban Studies and also an outstanding Remote Sensing & GIS Applications senior scientist in the field of Urban and Rural Land Use of the Country.

He is actively associated in the completion of 80 remote sensing projects and reports in NRSA He has published 25 Technical Manuals, Reports and Atlases; besides 70 research papers in reputed Indian and International Journals.

Dr. Raghavan is also a member of several national level technical committees of NRSA/DOS and other ministries, Govt of India, New Delhi.

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