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Lasers and Optical Engineering
Author(s) :P. Das

ISBN : 9788181285270
Name : Lasers and Optical Engineering
Price : Currency 1195.00
Author/s : P. Das
Type : Text Book
Pages : 470
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2016
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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Part-I Geometrical Optics, 1. Fundamentals of Geometrical Optics, 2. Matrix Formulation of Geometrical Optics, 3. Image Formation, 4. Complex Systems, 5. The Tele Scoping System, 6. Some comments About the Matrix Method, 7. Apertures and Stops, 8. Radiometry and Photometry, 9. Exact Matrices and Aberration, Part-II Physical Optics, 10. Wave Optics and Fourier Optics, 11. Fundamentals of Diffraction, 12. Radiation from a Source, 13. The Diffraction Problem, 14. Different Regions of Diffraction, 15. The Fourier Transform, 16. Some Examples of Fraunhofer Diffraction, 17. Phase Transmission Functions and Lens, 18. Fresnel Diffraction, 19. Detection and Coherence, 20. Interference, 21. Holography, 22. Physical optics, Part-III Lasers, 23. Introduction, 24. Amplifier and Oscillator, 25. The Fabry – Perot Laser, 26. Laser Cavity, 27. Gaussian Beam Optics, 28. Solution of the Cavity Problem, 29. Photon, Stimulated, and Spontaneous Emission, and the Einstein Relationship, 30. Light Amplifier - Population Inversion, 31. Different types of Light Amplifiers and Quantum Efficiency, 32. Rate Dynamics of Four-Level Lasers, 33. Properties of Light Laser, 34. Q-Switching and Mode Locking, 35. Lasers, Part-IV Applications
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