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Linux Programming Tools Unveiled
Author(s) :N. B. Venkateswarlu

ISBN : 9788178001333
Name : Linux Programming Tools Unveiled
Price : Currency 300.00
Author/s : N. B. Venkateswarlu
Type : Text Book
Pages : 565
Year of Publication : 2006
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

In the recent years, Linux, a public domain, freely available Unix variant has attracted the people very much. Today’s complex production environments demands superior application performance. Linux is having extraordinary advantages such as : complete source code access, availability of exceptional optimization, testing tools. This book is to explore this facet of Linux.


  • Explained Linux success stories with emphasis on facilities and tools available in Linux for SW development
  • Explains gcc (GNU) toolchain in detail, combining C and C++, C and Java, and C and Fortran in a lucid manner
  • How command line arguments can be handled by C/C++ programs with getopt, argp library are dealt
  • Discusses about environment variables and their management
  • System limits are explored with their implication of program performance
  • Explains about how assembly programming can be done under Linux
  • How to mix C and assembly, how system calls can be called from assembly, how modules can be developed in assembly and a bare boot (OS) program creation, are discussed in detail.
  • How static and dynamic libraries are developed and commissioned in Linux is explained and how Libtool can be used for library development is discussed
  • Dealt with Lex/Yacc tools, which are to be used in compiler development
  • Memory management, memory errors, Linux memory management, etc., are described with illustrative examples
  • A popularly used tool for detecting memory errors, Electric Fence, is explained with concept oriented examples
  • A chapter on Valgrind explained as to how memory can be checked for memory leaks, segment violations, analyze the cache performance in an illustrative manner
  • Describes memory mapping of files, especially for large files and the impact on program’s performance.
  • Gnu debugger (gdb) is detailed; gcov and gprof explains about profiling of a C program to improve its performance; make, rcs, SW tools explains how they can be used for SW development in practice.with concept oriented examples with special reference to Web enabled applications.


  1. Programmers view of linux
  2. Compiling C and C++ programs under linux
  3. Command line arguments
  4. Environment
  5. System limits
  6. Assembly in linux
  7. Libraries
  8. Lex & Yacc
  9. Unix memory management
  10. Memory mapped files
  11. GNU debugger
  12. GCOV: A coverage testing tool
  13. Profiling
  14. Valgrind and Alleyoop
  15. Make
  16. Revision Control System
  17. SW distribution tools

About the Authors

Dr. N. B. Venkateswarlu  got  his B.Tech from SV University, Tirupathi, M.Tech from IIT-Kanpur and Ph.D from BITS, Pilani on the topic of “Some Efficient Serial & Parallel Image Processing Algorithms”. He started his teaching career in the Computer Science Dept. of BITS Pilani, and was a Visiting Fellow at the University of Leeds, UK, during 1993-95. Currently, he is a senior Professor and Head, IT Department of GVP College of Engg, Madhurawada, Visakapatnam. He is also the founder Director of the RITCH Center at Visakhapatnam. He has contributed papers in International Journals and Conferences. He authored few titles related to UNIX/Linux

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