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Carbon Capture-Utilization and Storage: Climate Change Mitigation
Author(s) :Jayarama Reddy Puthalpet

ISBN : 9789395038911
Name : Carbon Capture-Utilization and Storage: Climate Change Mitigation
Price : Currency 1095.00
Author/s : Jayarama Reddy Puthalpet
Type : Text Book
Pages : 460
Year of Publication : 2024
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

In "Carbon Capture - Utilization and Storage: Climate Change Mitigation," the urgent battle against climate change takes center stage as the world grapples with the pressing need to reduce anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. Delving into the intricate science behind Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS), this book navigates the complex landscape of strategies aimed at trapping emitted CO2 and preventing its release into the atmosphere.

From post-combustion to pre-combustion methods, readers are immersed in a world where cutting-edge technologies intersect with environmental necessity. As the global community strives to honor the mandates of the Paris Agreement, the author explores the potential of CCUS to pave the way for a carbon-neutral future. 

Despite challenges surrounding cost and commercial viability, a glimmer of hope emerges as integrated CCUS systems gain traction around the world. From the United States to China, these systems offer a glimpse into a future where carbon capture and utilization become integral components of sustainable energy production.

With a focus on clarity and accessibility, this book aims to educate undergraduates, researchers, and policymakers alike on the vital role CCUS plays in the fight against climate change. For those seeking a comprehensive understanding of this pivotal technology, "Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage" serves as an indispensable guide into the realm of environmental stewardship and innovation.


1.    Overview

2.    CO2 Capture Pathways

3.    CO2 Capture Technologies

4.    CO2 Utilization and Techno-Economic Analysis

5.    Transport and Storage of Captured CO2

About the Author:

Professor Jayarama Reddy Puthalpet, in his long career of nearly four decades at Sri Venkateswara University in India, has been an outstanding university teacher, researcher and Vice chancellor. He was a post-doctoral research associate in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, USA; Visiting fellow at Imperial College, UK, Exchange fellow, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia and Guest Professor at Inst. of Physical Electronics, University of Stuttgart, Germany. Also, he was elected to many learned professional societies

including fellowship of the UK Institute of Physics. He determinedly advanced physics teaching and semiconductor research, flourishing lab research to industry, promoting clean energy usage and educating environmental issues.

He was responsible for establishing the research facilities at Sri Venkateswara University by developing laboratories for the growth of single crystals and thin films of novel materials using non-vacuum and vacuum technology-based methods and improving the methods used for characterization of materials so formed as well the semiconductor devices.

During this period, research into photovoltaics was initiated resulting in the publication of more than 250 research papers in leading high-impact journals and conferences and numerous invited talks. For the outstanding contributions made to society via his research, particularly, PV thin film solar cells, he is recognized by the wider academic community in India. Prof. Reddy has served on national committees ((DNES and UGC) concerned with determining policy on renewable energies, climate change and sustainable development.

“From the 1980s, the photovoltaic technology has grown from a laboratory curiosity involving a handful of research groups in each country to a major contributor to power generation. That this technology has been so successful in no small measure due to the humble efforts of researchers like Prof. Reddy to promote photovoltaic research, development and deployment in India and the rest of the world, observed Prof. Robert Miles, Northumbria University, UK.”

Since retirement from service in 1995, he published books listed below on various subjects related to photovoltaics, municipal waste, clean coal technologies, climate change etc. which are well received in India and abroad. In addition, his videos on climate change and renewable energy generation including photovoltaics are popular.

1.    Science and Technology of Photovoltaics, 1st edition. (2004), BS Publications, Hyderabad, India.

2.    Science and Technology of Photovoltaics, 2nd edition (2009) (Thoroughly revised; new chapters added and updated citing publications since the 1stedn.);

3.    Principles of Environmental Studies, 1st edition (2006), BS Publications, Hyderabad, India

4.    Principles of Environmental Studies – Ecology, Economics, Management and Law: 2nd Edition, (2019), (Thoroughly Revised and reorganized adding new chapters relevant to Indian universities); BS Publications, Hyderabad, India.

5.    Pollution and Global Warming (2010)

      Jointly by BS Publications, Hyderabad & AP State Council of Science and Technology, Hyderabad.

6.    Municipal Solid Waste Management – Processing, Energy recovery, Global examples (2011)

      Jointly published by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis group), Boca Raton, London, New York, Leiden, & BS Publications, Hyderabad, India

7.    Solar Power Generation – Technology, New Concepts, Policy (2012) CRC Press (Taylor & Francis group), Boca Raton, London, New York, Leiden.

8.    Clean Coal Technologies for Power Generation (2014) CRC Press (Taylor & Francis group), Boca Raton, London, New York, and Leiden.

       Chinese Edition of the Book: “Jie Jing Mei Fa Dian Ji Shu” (2016) Translators: Dr. Wang Yi, Dr. Su Sheng, Dr. Hu Song, Dr. Xiang Jun, State Key laboratory of Coal Combustion, School of Energy & Power Engineering, Huazong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China; Publisher: China Machine Press, Beijing, PR China

9.    Encyclopedia of Environmental Management (2014), Taylor & Francis, New York, NY; Editor-in-chief: Prof. Sven Erik Jorgensen, Professor of Environmental Chemistry, Copenhagen University. Contributed three articles by invitation:

(i)   Municipal Solid Waste: Energy Recovery, DOI: 10.1081/E-EEM-120050613

(ii)  Municipal Solid Waste: Reuse and Recycling, DOI:10.1081/EEEM-120050626

(iii)  MSW treatment in Developing countries, DOI:10.1081/E-EEM-120051410

10.    Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste by Thermal Conversion Technologies (2016)

      CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), Boca Raton, London, New York, Leiden.

11.    The Daunting Climate Change: Science, Impacts and Adaptation, Mitigation strategies and Policy responses (2019); BS Publications, Hyderabad, India

     Western Edition: The Daunting Climate Change: Science, Impacts and Adaptation, Mitigation strategies and Policy responses. (2022); 

      Hard copy and e-edition: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), BocaRaton, London, New York, Leiden.

12.    Principles of Energy Storage Systems (2022) BS Publications, Hyderabad, India.

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