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Case Studies on Pharmaceutical Sales: An Emerging Markets Perspective
Author(s) :Subrata Ray

ISBN : 9788197181863
Name : Case Studies on Pharmaceutical Sales: An Emerging Markets Perspective
Price : Currency 225.00
Author/s : Subrata Ray
Type : Text Book
Pages : 168
Year of Publication : 2024
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book: 

Dive into the intricate world of pharmaceutical sales in emerging markets with "Case Studies on Pharmaceutical Sales: An Emerging Markets Perspective." In this compelling read, business case studies take center stage as decision-makers navigate through the complexities of the industry. From analyzing business personalities to dissecting operational inefficiencies, readers are taken on a journey that explores problems, solutions, and the tangible results of strategic choices. Set against a backdrop of shifting market dynamics, this book serves as a valuable resource for not only understanding the challenges faced by pharmaceutical sales entities but also extracting insightful lessons applicable across various industries. Discover how these real-world examples provide a bridge between academic theory and practical solutions, offering readers a compelling narrative packed with invaluable takeaways. "Case Studies on Pharmaceutical Sales" is a must-read for business enthusiasts seeking to unravel the mysteries of successful decision-making in the competitive realm of pharmaceutical sales in emerging markets.


1.    Understanding Pharmaceutical Sales Case Studies

2.    Appointing Medical Stockists in Guwahati: A Case Study

3.    Stockist Negotiations on The Breakage and Expiry of Products: A Case Study of West Bengal

4.    Challenges faced by Pharmaceutical Companies in Dealing with Msra

5.    Developing Strategies for Handling Channel Conflict in Pharmaceutical Sales

6.    Establishing a Connect Strategy with the Doctors by the Marketing Team

7.    Targeting Doctors to Increase Delafloxacin Prescriptions in The Jabalpur Region: A Case Study

8.    Ring the Challenges of Patanjali Ayurveda: A Case Study

9.    Increasing Pcpm Productivity: A Case Study from Yavatmal’s Pharmaceutical Market

10. Strategies Adopted by a Pharmaceutical Company to Counter Pmjay Products: A Case Study

11. Challenges Faced and Overcome by a Fresher Medical Representative in A Pharmaceutical Company: A Case Study

12. Recruiting Medical Representatives in Pharmaceutical Companies Today

13. Company – Retailer Connectivity: A Case Study of a Medical Representative from Balasore

14. Sales Strategies for Boosting Expectorant Sales: A Case Study

15. Establishing the Cefuroxime Axetil Brand in Rural Markets of North Bengal: A Case Studys

16. Training Process for Medical Representatives of a Pharmaceutical Company: A Case Study

About the Author:

Subrata Ray is a distinguished author and educator with over 17 years of university teaching experience. He has made significant contributions across academia, management, and various industries, including management consulting, social media marketing, media management, and pharmaceutical sales for Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. His extensive industry experience enriches his articles with valuable insights.

         He holds a Ph.D. in marketing from the University of North Bengal, an MBA in marketing, and postgraduate diplomas in journalism, mass communication, and pharmaceuticals and sales management. His expertise spans marketing research, media research, pharmaceutical sales management, rural marketing, media marketing, advertising, social media analytics, and e-business. Since 2006, he has served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at the University of North Bengal.

         He has authored books on customer orientation and numerous case studies published by esteemed publishers. Dr. Ray's commitment to excellence and lifelong learning continues to inspire students, scholars, and business professionals alike.

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