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Book Details
An Introduction to Computer Studies
Author(s) :Noel Kalicharan

ISBN : 9780521683234
Name : An Introduction to Computer Studies
Price : Currency 595.00
Author/s : Noel Kalicharan
Type : Text Book
Pages : 380
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2020
Publisher : Cambridge / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Computer studies is a rapidly changing and increasingly popular subject area. This book is intended for people who are meeting the subject for the first time. It gives full coverage of the core and optional material from many examination syllabuses and is particularly relevant to students taking the CXC Information Technology, Cambridge 0-level or International GCSE examinations.

Major features include:

·         Full coverage of applications

·         A structured introduction to programming in a language-independent style

·         Extensive coverage of techniques in systems analysis and design

·         Summaries for each chapter

·         Exercises in each chapter to provide practice for examinations.


1.    Introduction

2.    Computer Applications

3.    Data Types and Data Representation

4.    A Simple Computer System

5.    Boolean Operators and Logic Circuits

6.    Problem-Solving and Programming

7.    Further Ideas in Programming

8.    Random Numbers and Simulation

9.    Programming Languages

10. Peripheral Devices

11. Operating Systems

12. Systems Analysis and Design – An Overview

13. Computer Systems Development

14. Computer and Communications

15. Computers and Society
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