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Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis
Author(s) :M. S. Bhat, A. V. Rau

ISBN : 9789391910464
Name : Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis
Price : Currency 595.00
Author/s : M. S. Bhat, A. V. Rau
Type : Text Book
Pages : 368
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

In "Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis," readers will explore the dynamic relationship between these two vital disciplines and discover how they can drive success in any organization.

This comprehensive guide dives deep into the application of economics in decision making, providing practical insights and strategies for effective managerial practices. From understanding supply and demand dynamics to analyzing market trends, readers will gain a solid foundation in the principles of managerial economics and their real-world applications.

But it doesn't stop there. This book goes a step further by delving into the world of financial analysis, a powerful tool for evaluating a firm's financial performance. Readers will explore various methods of analysis, with a particular focus on ratio analysis and the examination of balance sheets and profit and loss accounts. By mastering these techniques, readers will gain the skills needed to effectively evaluate financial statements and make informed, data-driven decisions.

Throughout the book, readers will find a step-by-step approach to financial analysis, starting with establishing clear objectives and progressing to collecting and evaluating relevant information. Each chapter concludes with a concise summary, allowing readers to easily review and digest the key principles and concepts covered.

Additionally, this book provides a wealth of resources to enhance learning and reinforce understanding. Readers will find a wide range of practical problems and their solutions at the end of each chapter, helping them apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. For further practice, multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are also included, with detailed answers provided at the end of the book.

Whether you're a student, professional, or entrepreneur, "Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis" is an indispensable guide for anyone seeking to understand the intersection of economics, decision making, and financial performance. By mastering these essential skills, readers will be well-equipped to navigate the complex world of business and drive success in today's competitive market.


  1. Introduction to Managerial Economics
  2. Elasticity of Demand
  3. Theory of Production Function and Cost Analysis
  4. Market Structures
  5. Business and New Economic Environment
  6. Working Capital Management
  7. Introduction to Financial Accounting
  8. Financial Analysis Through Ratios


About the Authors

Dr. M.S. Bhat, B.E.(IISc), M.Tech., PhD,  has been working in School of Management Studies JNTU for the past fifteen years as Professor of Management Science. For 10 years he was Head of School of Management Studies and for two and half years its Director. Presently, he is Chairman, Board of Management Studies.

Dr. Bhat has more than 50 research articles to his credit and co-author of two books. He has successfully guided 6 research scholars for their PhD and another three are in advanced stage of the work. Dr. Bhat has also coordinated number of short term and Executive Development Programmes. He also held several Honorary Positions.

Mr. A.V. Rau, MBA, is presently working as Teaching Associate, Dept. of Management Studies, Andhra University Campus, Vizianagaram, A.P. He also worked as Asst. Professor, Management Science, Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajahmundry.

He has already authored one book – Management Science, published by BS Publications, Hyderabad.
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