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Large Language Models Concepts, Techniques and Applications
Author(s) :John Atkinson-Abutridy

ISBN : 9781032836089
Name : Large Language Models Concepts, Techniques and Applications
Price : Currency 45.99
Author/s : John Atkinson-Abutridy
Type : Text Book
Pages : 184
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : CRC Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

This book serves as an introduction to the science and applications of Large Language Models (LLMs). You'll discover the common thread that drives some of the most revolutionary recent applications of artificial intelligence (AI): from conversational systems like ChatGPT or BARD, to machine translation, summary generation, question answering, and much more.

At the heart of these innovative applications is a powerful and rapidly evolving discipline, natural language processing (NLP). For more than 60 years, research in this science has been focused on enabling machines to efficiently understand and generate human language. The secrets behind these technological advances lie in LLMs, whose power lies in their ability to capture complex patterns and learn contextual representations of language. How do these LLMs work? What are the available models and how are they evaluated? This book will help you answer these and many other questions. With a technical but accessible introduction:

  • You will explore the fascinating world of LLMs, from its foundations to its most powerful applications
  • You will learn how to build your own simple applications with some of the LLMs

Designed to guide you step by step, with six chapters combining theory and practice, along with exercises in Python on the Colab platform, you will master the secrets of LLMs and their application in NLP.

From deep neural networks and attention mechanisms, to the most relevant LLMs such as BERT, GPT-4, LLaMA, Palm-2 and Falcon, this book guides you through the most important achievements in NLP. Not only will you learn the benchmarks used to evaluate the capabilities of these models, but you will also gain the skill to create your own NLP applications. It will be of great value to professionals, researchers and students within AI, data science and beyond.


1.    Introduction

2.    Fundamentals

3.    Large Language Models

4.    Model Evaluation

5.    Applications

6.    Issues and Perspectives

About the Author:

John Atkinson-Abutridy, received a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, and currently is a full professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez in Santiago, Chile. Over the years, he has also held full-time academic positions at various Chilean universities and abroad as a visiting professor and researcher at university and research centers in Europe (France, UK), Unites States (MIT, IBM T.J. Watson) and various Latin American universities. Dr. Atkinson-Abutridy's primary research interests span into Natural Language Processing, textual analytics, artificial intelligence, and bio-inspired computing. His academic career includes the publication of nearly one hundred scientific papers and the authorship of two books. Recently, he has been at the forefront of numerous scientific and technological projects at national and international level, serving as an AI consultant for many companies and founding AI-Empowered. In recognition of his substantial contributions to the field of computer science, Dr. Atkinson-Abutridy received the Senior Member Award by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in the United States in 2010. Among his notable accomplishments, he pioneered the first worldwide web-based natural language dialogue model in 2005, a precursor to today's ChatGPT system. In 2023, he released the second edition of his book, "Text Analytics: An Introduction to the Science and Applications of Unstructured Information Analysis" (Taylor & Francis, USA), which was recognized as the top choice in the text mining category by the Book Authority organization.
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