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Applied Physics
Author(s) :T. Bhima Sankaram, G. Prasad

ISBN : 8178001950
Name : Applied Physics
Price : Currency 225.00
Edition : 3rd Edition
Author/s : T. Bhima Sankaram, G. Prasad
Type : Text Book
Pages : 455
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Books

This new edition is based on the feedback received from teachers & students from different part of the country. Many technological universities have revised the syllabi to include new emerging topics like Holography & Nanotechnology to the basic curriculum. In this edition these topics have been included. Also many more objective questions and answers have been added to facilitate the students to have self-evaluation of the subject.


Salient Features

  • Concepts of Electromagnetics, Electrical Technology
  • Electromechanics are elobarated furthur
  • Superconductivity, Lasers and Fiber Optics are made simple & Student Friendly
  • New topics on Holography is added in chapter on Lasers
  • A new chapter on Nanotechnology is added


  1. Bonding in Solids, 
  2. Crystal Structure
  3. Principles of X-ray Diffraction in Crystals
  4. Defects in Crystals
  5. Priniciples of Quantum Mechanics
  6. Electron Theory of Metals
  7. Dielectric Properties
  8. Magnetic Properties
  9. Semiconductors
  10. Superconductivity
  11. Lasers
  12. Fiber Optics
  13. Nanotechnology

About the Authors

Prof. T. Bhima Sankaram is a retired Professor in Physics, Osmania University, Hyderabad. He is presently working as Principal, Swarnabharati Institute of Technology and Science, Khammam. He is a well known materials scientist in the country. He along with his collaborators has been doing work on ferroelectrics, piezoeletrics, ferroelectro-magnetics and magneto-electric composites under various research projects sponsored by DST, DRDO, UGC, ADA etc. He has published about seventy research papers in reputed international journals.

Dr. G. Prasad is presently professor in Physics, Osmania University, Hyderabad. He has 13 years of experience in teaching and has published more than 30 research papers.

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