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Microencapsulation : Methods and Industrial Applications
Editor(s) :Benita

ISBN : 9780824723170
Name : Microencapsulation : Methods and Industrial Applications
Price : Currency 3995.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Editor/s : Benita
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 756
Year of Publication : Rpt.2011
Publisher : Taylor & Francis/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

Presenting break through research pertinent to scientists in a wide range of disciplines from medicine and biotechnology to cosmetics and pharmacy this second edition provides practical approaches to complex formulation problems encountered in the development of particulate delivery systems at the micro- and nano- size level. Completely revised and expanded to represent the most up-to-date studies in the field, this guide covers advances in pulsatile delivery systems, injectable micro particulate systems, and site specific delivery systems, as well as potential therapeutic applications of nanotechnology.

Describing a practical methodology for the routine scale-up of microencapsulation processes, this hand book covers the latest developments in the production of polymeric micro and nano particles, lipospheres, solid lipid particles, liposomes, amphiphilic cyclodextrin-based nanoparticles flexible vesicles, emulsions, double emulsions, and microemulsions considers opportunities and challenges associated with the use of small-scale polymeric and lipid delivery systems for injectable, topical, ocular, and oral administration allows readers to easily compare the processing, manipulation, production, physicochemical characterizations, biological evaluations, and therapeutic potentials of various micro systems and nanosystems. Studies the utilization of colloidal carriers when designed for vaccine, brain, ocular, or transdermal delivery offers a comprehensive approach to increase the oral bioavailability of poorly absorbed lipophilic drugs using self-emulsifying oral lipid-based formulations analyzes various kinetic models used to characterize drug-release profiles and stresses the need for efficient drug targeting delivery systems by presenting different coupling techniques for the formation of drug colloidal carrier conjugates.


Part-I Methods of Encapsulation and Advances in Production Technology

1. Biodegradable Micro spheres: Advances in Production Technology 2. Advances in Technology for Controlled-Release Pesticide Formulations 3. Multiparticulate Pulsatile Drug Delivery Systems 4. Micro Encapsulation Techniques for Parenteral Depot Systems and their Application in the Pharmaceutical Industry 5. Coupling Methods to obtain Ligand-Targeted Liposomes and Nanoparticles 6. Industrial Technologies and Scale-up

Part-II Evaluation and Characterization of Micro-and Nano particulate Drug Delivery Systems

7. Drug Release from Micro particulate Systems 8. Manufacture, Characterization, and Applications of Solid Lipid Nano particles as Drug Delivery Systems 9. Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins and Micro encapsulation

10. Lipospheres for Controlled Delivery of Substances 11. Pharmaceutical Aspects of Liposomes: Academic and Industrial Research and Development

12. Micro emulsions of Solubilization and Delivery of Nutraceuticals and Drugs

Part-III Applications of Particulate Delivery Systems

13. Self-Emulsifying Oral Lipid-Based Formulations for Improved Delivery of Lipophilic Drugs 14. Recent Advances in Heparin Delivery 15. Particulate Systems for Oral Drug Delivery 16. Vesicles as a Tool for Dermal and Transdermal Delivery 17. Lipid and Polymeric Colloidal Carriers for Ocular Drug Delivery 18. The Use of Drug-Loaded Nanoparticles in Cancer Chemotherapy 19. Development of 5-FU-Loaded PLGA Micro particles for the Treatment of Glioblastoma 20. Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery Systems for the Brain 21. Cosmetic Applications of Colloidal Delivery Systems

About the Editor

Simon Benita is Professor, School of Pharmacy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. The author or coauthor of 137 publications, he serves on the editorial Boards of several scientific journals. Professor Benita is the holder or coholder of 19 Patents. His research is focused on new microparticulates, nanoparticulate drug delivery systems, antibody-emulsion conjugates, and modified submicron emulsions for drug targeting and improved drug delivery through various routes of administration. He received the B. pharm. (1972) and Ph. D (1980) degress from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Isael.
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