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Art of Writing and Publishing in Agricultural journals
Author(s) :K. Veeranjaneyulu, Y. Eswar Prasad, Azeeduddin Mehmood, Umadevi

ISBN : 9788178001926
Name : Art of Writing and Publishing in Agricultural journals
Price : Currency 1495.00
Author/s : K. Veeranjaneyulu, Y. Eswar Prasad
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 529
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

The book provides a succinct account of the different aspects of publishing articles. It outstretches a layman’s reach towards the world of publication and acquaints him/her with the academic as well as the technical aspects of publishing articles. The book gives the writer the needed strength and confidence by providing the means and avenues of getting the papers published. It also furnishes the addresses of reputed journals and periodicals which eases the task of the writer to a very great extent. In a nutshell, the book provides step by step information following which one can get well versed in the art of publishing articles.


· Describes the process of submitting the manuscript and the writing style to be adopted while presenting paper in a Journal

· Acquaints the readers with several steps that are to be followed Chronologically for getting their articles published in reputed agriculture journals


SECTION – I Designing an Article 1. Planning and Observation 2. Writing 3. Editing and Revising 4. Submitting Manuscript and Follow-ups 5. Avoid Rejection 6. Scientific Review Writing 7. Open Access Journals SECTION – II Journal’s Profiles 8. African Journal of Food Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 9. Agribusiness 10. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 11. Agricultural Economics Research Review 12. Agricultural situation in India 13. Agricultural Systems 14. Agricultural Water Management 15. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 16. Agronomy Journal 17. Agronomy Research 18. Agropedology 19. Allelopathy Journal International 20. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 21. Annals of Plant Physiology 22. Applied Soil Ecology 23. Arid Land Research and Management 24. Artha Vijnana 25. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science 26. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 27. Bhagirath 28. Biology and Fertility of Soils 29. Breeding Science 30. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin 31. Clay Research 32. Communicator 33. Crop Protection 34. Crop Science 35. Economic and Political Weekly 36. European Journal of Agronomy 37. European Journal of Soil Science 38. Everyman’s Science 39. Experimental Agriculture 40. Farming Systems 41. Field Crops Research 42. Financing Agriculture 43. Forage Research 44. Genetics 45. Genome 46. Indian Agriculturist 47. Indian Coconut Journal 48. Indian Farmer’s Digest 49. Indian Farming 50. Indian Food Packer 51. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 52. Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing 53. Indian Journal of Agronomy 54. Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices and Medicinal Plants 55. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 56. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 57. Indian Journal of Horticulture 58. Indian Journal of Marketing 59. Indian Journal of Nematology 60. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 61. Indian Journal of Plant Protection 62. Indian Journal of Social Research 63. Indian Journal of Weed Science 64. Indian Perfumer 65. Irrigation Science 66. Journal of Agribusiness 67. Journal of Agricultural Economics 68. Journal of Agricultural Engineering 69. Journal of Applied Horticulture 70. Journal of Biotechnology 71. Journal of Central European Agriculture 72. Journal of Cereal Science 73. Journal of Ecobiology 74. Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture 75. Journal of Economic Entomology 76. Journal of Education and Psychology 77. Journal of Entomological Research 78. Journal of Food Science and Technology 79. Journal of General Plant Pathology 80. Journal of Information Technology in Agriculture 81. Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities 82. Journal of Nuclear Agriculture and Biology 83. Journal of Oil Seeds Research 84. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture 85. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 86. Journal of Plant Nutrition 87. Journal of Plantation Crops 88. Journal of Potassium Research 89. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops 90. Journal of the Indian Society for Cotton Improvement 91. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics 92. Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research 93. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 94. Journal of the South Carolina Academy of Science95. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 96. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 97. Kisan World 98. Legume Research 99. Molecular Breeding – New Strategies in Plant Improvement 100. Paddy and Water Environment 101. Pest Management and Economic Zoology 102. Physiological and Molecular Plant Physiology 103. Physiological Entomology 104. Plant Biotechnology Journal 105. Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems 106. Productivity 107. Rural Sociology 108. Sankhya 109. Sarvekshana 110. Scientia Horticulture 111. Seed Science and Technology 112. Seed Research 113. Soil and Tillage Research 114. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 115. Soil Science Society of America Journal 116. The Andhra Agricultural Journal 117. The Asian Journal of Horticulture 118. The Cashew 119. The Indian Forester 120. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 121. The Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 122. The Indian Journal of Microbiology 123. The Journal of AOAC International 124. The Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Plant Biotechnology 125. The Journal of Research ANGRAU 126. The Journal of Vegetation Science 127. The Karnataka Journal of Horticulture 128. The Maharashtra Journal of Extension Education 129. The Nucleus 130. The Orissa Journal of Horticulture 131. The World Weeds 132. Trends in Plant Science SECTION –III Appendices

About the Authors

K. Veeranjaneyulu is the University Librarian at Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad. He has a distinguished academic career to his credit.  He was a gold medalist in BLISc. from S. V. University, Tirupati.  He pursued MCom, MLISc., BGL. and PhD. from the same University.  He also possesses PGDLAN and a Diploma in Software applications.  He assumed editorial responsibility to many professional journals, and has 82 articles published to his credit. He has attended and contributed papers at many conferences and seminars.  He is a life member of ILA, IATLIS, IASLIC, AALDI, FIC, APLA and ALSD.

Y.Eswara Prasad is Professor & University Head, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, ANGRAU, Hyderabad.

Sri Azeez Uddin Mehmood is Asst. Professor in English, College of Agriculture, ANGRAU, Hyderabad.

Ms. Y.Uma Devi is the Asst. Librarian and Head, Regional Library, Agricultural College, Bapatla.

Sri AVSS Nagaraju, is the junior Library Assistant, ANGRAU Central Library, Hyderabad.

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