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Book Details
Personal and Emotional Competence
Author(s) :Bhaskara Rao

ISBN : 9788178001197
Name : Personal and Emotional Competence
Price : Currency 275.00
Author/s : Bhaskara Rao
Type : Text Book
Pages : 222
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

Academic excellence may give a person excellent opportunities in life of work initially. But soon the employer shifts his attention from the qualification to qualities. This book shows the way to improve one’s personality and emotional development by detailing Personal Effectiveness, Workplace Reality and Emotional Intelligence. This is a practical guide not for passing examinations but to pass off as an effective and competent person in the life of work.


1. Personal Effectiveness, 2. Work Place Reality, 3. Emotional Intelligence

About the Author

Varanasi Bhaskara Rao is a versatile personality, with three decades of operational banking experience and of customer relationship management. He has been teaching communication skills to bank professionals and students for over two decades. He has been conducting seminars and workshops in Hyderabad ever since his retirement as Senior Faculty and Chief Manager (Training), Bank of Baroda. In order to reach wider audience he has been publishing books as support print material for all those who take responsibility for their own growth and development. He has also authored “Communicative Competence” published by BS Publications.

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