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Proceedings of ICEM’05 : International Conference on Environmental Management
Editor(s) :M. Anji Reddy

ISBN : 8178001055
Name : Proceedings of ICEM’05 : International Conference on Environmental Management
Price : Currency 4000.00
Volume : 5 vol
Editor/s : M. Anji Reddy
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 383
Year of Publication : 2006
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

All the papers received for the International Conference on Environmental Management held in Hyderabad, India, October 28-30, 2005 are presented in five volumes covering five themes, namely –


• Environmental Resources and Sustainability

• Environmental Impact Assessment

• Pollution and Control Technologies

• Environmental Geoinformatics and Modelling

• Environmental Education and Awareness

These volumes provide state-of-the-art contribution from the researchers, scientists, engineers, academicians, decision makers, who are involved in the process of problem Solving in the area of Environmental Management.


Inagural Key Note Address, 1. Indian Environment Management – Issues and challenges, Plenary Lectures, 1. Methodology for Determining the Sanitary Landfill and Solid Waste Dump Sites by Using Remote Sensing Techniques and Geographic Information System, 2. Issues Related to Management of Water Resources in India, 3.Ocean Observing Systems and Information Services, key note lectures, 4. Biodiversity studies on branchiopod fauna of lower deltaic region of river krishna and its environs, 5. Environmentally-sustainable Natural Resources Management, 6. Succession dynamics of grasslands ecosystems of central mongolia, 7. Hedging cashew crop with euphorbia antiquorum l. - An Ecosolution To Its Pollinator Limitation Problem, Technical Papers, 1. Rational Design of Hydraulic Structures in Watersheds, 2. Performance Evaluation of Bhima Irrigation Command Area in Maharashtra State, India, 3. Environmental Flow Concept for Integrated River Basin Management, 4. Rainwater Harvesting for Draught Proofing in Palamau Division of  Jharkhand, India, 5. Prediction and Prevention of Soil Erosion - A Watershed Based Approach, 6. Increasing Demand of Electricity and Role of Coal in Developing Countries, 7. Environmental Benefits of Power Generation from Renewable Energy Sources in Pakistan, 8. Efficient Harvesting and Conserved Rainwater Utilization for Sustainable Agriculture, 9. Conservation of Ubiquitious Energy Resources, 10. Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Indian Spices Against Common Food Borne Pathogens, 11. The Effect of Plant Cover on the Abundance and Variety of Birds in Orzooieh in Baft, 12. Biodiesel from Cso-An Option for Reducing Smoke    Levels in Diesel Fuel Engine, 13. Hydraulic Conductivity, Specific Yield and Areal Recharge Assessment in unconfined aquifers, 14. Physical Vulnerability Analysis for Coastal Flooding in Godavari River Delta, Andhra Pradesh, India, 15. Mussels as Bio – Softener, 16. Wave Run-up on Coastal Protection Structures Defenced by Rubble Mound Breakwater, 17. Stormwater Runoff Quality Management, 18. Alder (Alnus Sp.) Role in Hyrcanian Sites of Iran, 19. Microbial Sulfate Reduction in a Sulphidogenic Jet Loop Biofilm Reactor, 20. Screening for Estrogenic Effect in Calendula Officinalis.l. (A Potential Plant), 21. Effect of Salt (NaHCO3) Stress on Biochemical Parameters of Morus Alba (Sujanpuri) In Vitro. 22. Content and Meaning of Ecosystem Management, 23. Research Issues in Joint Forest Management with Reference to Tamilnadu Afforestation Project, 24. Treatment of Industrial Metallic Solid Waste by Stabilization Process in Tsdf and Design of Engineered Landfill Site, 25. Bi-Enzyme Polymeric Electrode for Detection of Mercury, 26. Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Certain Marine Animals Along the East Coast Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, 27. Identification of Optimum Environmental Condition for Growth of Tea in the Lower Gangetic Plain of India, 28. Use of Ethylene Diurea (Edu) as a Research Tool in Assessing the Impact of Ambient Ozone on Growth and Yield of Vigna Radiata L. and Triticum Aestivum L. Plants,

29. Integrated use of Bio-Residues and Fertilizers in Crop Production for Environmental Protection in Relation to Modern Farm Machines and Allelochemicals, 30. Effects of NaCl-Induced and Salts Mixture Salinity on Leaf Proline and Growth of Tomato in Symbiosis with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, 31. Prevention of Aflatoxin Production in Food Handling Environments by Plant Extracts, 32. Hedging Cashew Crop With Euphorbia Antiquorum L. - An ecosolution to Its Pollinator Limitation Problem, 33. Energy Security and Environment for Sustainable Development- A Techno-economic View Point, 34. Economic Valuation of Agrobiodiversity : Farmers’ Contribution for on Farm Conservation of Rice Landraces in Nepal, 35. Succession Dynamics of Grassland Ecosystems of Central Mongolia, 36. Environmental Issues in Interlinking of Rivers in India, 37. Evaluation of the Mean Annual Diameter Increment and Height Growth of Two Fast Growing Species of  Paulownia and Populus in Guilan Province, 38. Effect of Soil Air Oxygen Deficiency on Tomato Yield, 39. Ecotoxicological Studies of Methyl Parathion on Growth and Reproduction Potential of Some Tropical Earthworms, 40. Evaluation and Feasibility Assessment of Green Roofs, 41. Utilization of Agro Based Residue Solid Waste for Production of Lipase-Mediated Synthesis of Isoamyl Butyrate, 42. Sustainable Storm Water Management Hyderabad - A Case Study, 43. Studies on Passive Techniques to Optimize Heat Loads in Mechanically Ventilated Buildings, 44. Study on Unique Brackish Water Ecosystem of Lonar Crater Lake in India, 45. Scope for Utilizing Ocean Wave Energy Resource in India, 46. A Study in the Seasonal Variation of Phytoplankton in Tungabhadra River (Harihar – Karnataka), 47. Water Resource Development and Management in Siddheshwarwadi Watershed: A Review, 48. Watershed Management Practices in Developing Countries - Problems and Remedies, 49. Cost Effective Cloud Seeding Technique, 50. Environmental Risk Assessment: Future Challenge for Disaster Mitigation, 51. Experimentation for Thermodynamic Analysis of Combined Solar Air Heating and Air Cooling System: an Eco-friendly Option (A Case Study), 52. Qualitative Land Suitability Evaluation of Yakhfarvazan Region of Ahar for Wheat, Barley, Safflower, Bean, Soybean and Potato, 53. Effect of Photosensitizers on Solar Photocatalytic Generation of Hydrogen from Hydrogen Sulfide, 54. Delineation of Homogeneous Erosion and Sediment Regions in the Catchments of Aras River and Urmia Lake, 55. Impact of Vegetation Cover on Water Resources in the Areas of Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh, India, 56. Socio-Economic Dynamics in Food-Fodder Production and Energy Management in Various Agro-Climatic Zones of India, 57. Removal of Ice from Hudson River in Winter Season

About the Author

M. Anji Reddy is Professor and Head, Centre for Environment, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad. He received his Ph.D. in Remote Sensing from JNTU, M. Tech. from liT Kanpur. He has more than 15 years of teaching experience in Environmental Geoinformatics, Digital Image Processing, Ecology & Environment and Environmental Impact Assessment. He has published more than 60 research papers in many International and National Journals besides undertaking various National projects sponsored by different Government departments and organizations. He is the technical referee for the Journals, namely -International Journal of Remote Sensing, UK and Remote Sensing Reviews, USA. He has conducted short-term training programs on Remote Sensing and GIS Applications to Environmental Management to various Government officials and faculty of engineering and polytechnic colleges. He is an honorary consultant for quite a few public and private user organizations in the area of Geoinformatics. He has authored

two books: "Textbook of Remote Sensing & GIS" and "Geoinformatics for Environmental Management". He is Member of the Executive Council of JNTU, Member of Board of Studies of Environment of JNTU, Gulbarga University, Bangalore University and Sri Venkateswara University. He is also life Member of professional bodies like Indian Society of Technical Education, Indian Society of Water Resources, Indian Society of Hydrologists and Indian Society of Remote Sensing.
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