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Readings in Managerial Economics, Accounting and Financial Analysis
Author(s) :Mishra, Naveen

ISBN : 8178000679
Name : Readings in Managerial Economics, Accounting and Financial Analysis
Price : Currency 495.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Mishra, Naveen
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 409
Year of Publication : 2004
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Books

The first edition of this book, namely “ Readings in Accounting, Finance and Costing” was well received in Engineering and Management streams. This book was even recommended in syllabi of respective courses. The authors have revised the text of first edition in tune with the present course requirements.

This new edition provides basic insights into

  • Managerial economics, accounting, finance and costing.

  • Process and mechanism of economic decision making.

  • Production processing.

  •  Art and Science of book keeping and accounting.

  • Preparation of profit and loss account, and balance sheet.

  • Financial analysis through exercises and real life situations.

  • Various techniques of costing.    

The book would be useful to the students of engineering and management courses and new enterpreneures in acquiring basic knowledge of economics, accounting, finance and costing. 


    1. Managerial Economics
    2. Economic Systems and Basic Tenets
    3. Demand
    4. The Market
    5. Forms, Structures, and Sources of Finance for Business Organizations
    6. Finance Function
    7. Conceptual Framework of Accounting
    8. Computer Based Financial Accounting
    9. Finance and Accounting in Action
    10. Financial Ratio Analysis
    11. Working Capital Management
    12. Management of Working Capital in ECIL
    13. Working Capital Efficiency Under Inflation
    14. Case on Cash Management in Okey Engineering Company Limited
    15. Project Appraisal and Finance
    16. Capital Budgeting
    17. Cost Concepts and Break Even Analysis

    About the Authors

    R. K. Mishra : Director, Institute of Public Enterprise, Osmania University campus, Hyderabad, is a graduate of International Management Programme, SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy. He has been a Fellow of British Council and Commonwealth Secretariat, He had researchstints at London Business School and Maison Des Sciences De L’ Hommes, Paris. He has taught at the University of Bradford, United Kingdom and was a visiting Professor at Maison Des Sciences De L’ Hommes, Paris.  He has handled assignments for various Ministries of Government of India.

    B. Navin is currently Knowledge Manager, Center for Good Governence, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. He obtained Ph. D. from Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad. He was associated with the Asian Development Bank Project and various Training Programs and also involved in teaching Managerial Economics and Financial Services at the Post-Graduate Level. He has completed several projects in the areas of Financial Sector Reforms and Performance Measurement at the Center for Good Governance. He specializes in Capital Markets and Public Enterprise Policy.
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