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Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic plants
Editor(s) :Irfan Ali khan

ISBN : 8190044176
Name : Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic plants
Price : Currency 1050.00
Volume : 3 vol
Editor/s : Irfan Ali khan
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 393
Year of Publication : 2000
Publisher : Ukaaz/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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Volume-3 1. Biotechnology in medicinal and aromatic plants, 2. Glimpses of Biotechnology, 3. Folk-Uses of some common plants in different parts of the world, 4. Production of recombinant proteins in transgenic plants, 5. Role of biotechnology: Production of compounds without plant sacrifice, 6. Phytosterols : An overview, 7. Stilbenes: Bioactive plant phenolics, 8. Taxol : Chemistry, bioactivity and biotechnology, 9. Production of herbal drugs in vitro, 10. Neem : A tree with immense medical potential, 11. Oil seeds under the umbrella of biotechnology for their Future, 12. Progress in tissue culture of some oilseed crops with medicinal importance, 13. Tissue culture: An indispensible component of biotechnology for plant improvement, 14. In vitro status and optimized cultural conditions, for Catharanthus alkaloids, 15. In vitro culture of Boswellia serrata roxb. (Burseraceae), 16. Studies on Artemisia annua L. for the production of natural compounds of medicinal importance, 17. High efficiency propagation of Jatropha curcas L A. medicinally potent plant species Volume-4 1. Plant constituents in aids therapy, 2. Ribosome inactivating proteins from plants, 3. Ginseng: Wonder drug of the world, 4. Lignans : Promising anticancer agents, 5. Podophyllum hexandrum Royle: A potential source for production of clinically useful anticancer drugs, 6. Medicinal yams : Potential application of biotechnology for conservation, characterization and use of germplasm 7. Salvadorapersica Linn: A rare drug plant of arid zone, 8. curculigo orchioides Gaertn Kali Musli): An endangered medicinal herb, 9. in vitro perspectives of the healing herbs: Cuminum, cyminum and Achyspemum ammi, 10. Medicinal plant Gloriosa : In vitro status and prospects, 11. Studies on using banana as a medicinal plant : Applications and Prospects, 12. Biotechnological advances in Solanum leagnifio1ium: Night shade plant, 13. In vitro embryo culture of certain medicinally important orchids, 14. Queen of oil seeds (Sesamum indicum I.) :A lesser exploited medicinal herb with immense potentiality, 15. In vitro plant regeneration in Safflower, 16. Biotechnology of neem: Azadirachta indica A.juss, 17. Selection of plus trees of neem for azadirachtin content and development of micropropagation protocol for mass propagation, 18. Advances in medicinal plant biotechnology: An overview

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