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Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic plants
Editor(s) :Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum

ISBN : 8188279072
Name : Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic plants
Price : Currency 1050.00
Volume : 7 vol
Editor/s : Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 285
Year of Publication : 2003
Publisher : Ukaaz/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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Volume-7: 1. Plants as source of traditional and modern drug for cancer 2. Antimalarials of plant origin 3. Antidiabetic drugs from plants 4. In vitro studies on some plants used in ayurvedic system Of medicine for madhumeya (diabetes) 5. Rheumatism and the role of medicinal plants 6. Genetics of ageing 7. Application of rol genes for enhanced production of bioactive compounds from medicinal plants 8. Cryopreservation of medicinal and aromatic flora 9. Molecular mechanisms of flower senescence 10. Poisonous plants 11. Allergitic plants 12. Aromatherapy with reference to unani system of medicine Volume-8: 1. Futuristic approach for the treatment of dreaded diseases: aids 2. Herbal resources available for commonest disease diabetes 3. Standardised phyto medicines for diabetes 4. Plant vaccines 5. Therapeutic potential of plants of amaranthaceae 6. spices medicine. 7. Role of medicinal plants for heart and respiratory systems 8. Steroidal alkaloids in vegetable crops 9. Emerg1ng plant drugs in india 10. Human metabolism and medicinal plants Volume-9: 1. Role of diet in prevention and cure of cancer 2. Cancer and plant based anticancer drugs 3. Plant biotechnology in modeling of biopharmaceuticals for cancer 4. Fruit therapy 5. Plant volatiles 6. Phyto therapy in dermatology 7. Spices medicines and its improvement through biotechnology 8. Pharmaceuticals plant biotechnology 9. Psychoactive plants Volume-10: 1. Cancer : hornest nest of medical sciences 2. Plants and anticancer compounds 3. Biotechnological approaches on medicinally important species of tylophora indica 4. Biotechnological interventions in bio production of l-dopa an anti parkinson drug 5. Role of micro propagation in the conservation of some important medicinal plants 6. Tissue culture and genetic improvement a case study in caladium bicolour 7. In vitro propagation of eryngium caeruleum(l) bieb 8. Micro propagation of pisonia alba(l)spanoghe(lettuce tree) -a threatened medicinal tree species 9. Production of ephedrines from cell cultures of ephedra 10. Biotechnological strategies for panama disease resistance in banana 11. Plant vaccines : an overview 12. Fruit therapy : an overview 13. Orchids : a potential source of secondary metabolites 14. Effects of aroma oils on the human energy field as shown By pipe energy field imaging 15. The concept and management of ageing in unani medicine : part ii Volume-11: 1. Some important herbs used in tile treatment of cancer : part-i 2. Bio prospects of plant derived drugs 3. Screening plants for new drugs 4. Herbal remedies 5. Integrating indigenous knowledge on medicinal 6. Somatic embryogenesis in catharaiythus roseus(l)G.don An anti cancerous plant 7. Biotechnological studies to enhance the mass propagation Of solanum nigrum an anti-inflammatory herb 8. Phyto chemical analysis of the Indian sarsaparilla 9. Spices medicine : part - I 10. Spices medic1ne:part-II 11. Medicinal plants for the prevention and cure of viral diseases 12. Hairy root culture and secondary metabolites production 13. Edible vaccines: An overview 14. Some threatened medicinal plants of Tarai forest of Gorakhpur Of Uttar Pradesh Volume-12: 1. Medicinal and aromatic plants of India 2. Folklore treatment of some common ailments in eastern u.p. 3. Bryophytes: a potential source of anitmicrobial agents 4. Cultural aspects of conservation of medicinal and aromatic plants 5. Pharmacognostic and phyto chemical analysis of glosso cardia bosvellia dc. 6. Architectured modified plants in biomedicine delivery. 7. Medicinal plants for urogenital system 8. Role of medicinal plants for gasto intestinal tract 9. Role of medicinal plants in dentistry Volume-13: 1. Phyto therapy for malaria 2. Traditional p1-iytocure for leprosy 3. Phyto cure for epilepsy. 4. A brief overview of medicinal plants of India 5. Secondary metabolites and medicinal plants 6. Antimicrobial substances from bryophytes with 7. Therapeutic potential 8. Ethno medical cure for common skin diseases 9. Spices medicine Volume-14: 1. Plants Combating aids 2. Human ageing and the role of medicinal plants 3. Nerbaltherapyforrheumato1darthritis 4. Anti diabetic plants of India 5. Alkaloids production in digital is cell cultures: an overview 6. Ethno veterinary phyto medicine 7. Ethno medicinal importance of piper species among the Muthuvan tribes of idukki district, Kerala

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